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And trust me while I enjoy talking to and with and at you, currently if I talk for longer than 5 minutes I hack like my Granny used to and she smoked a pack of unfiltered a day, drinking nothing but coffee, supping the elixir of life from the urn of her cursed enemies, and having the occasional fudge stripe cookie that she liked to dip in whiskey. 

So I'm using the Monday Morning Coffee Talk back to a deluxe edition next Monday.

That should give me enough time to recover and for me to get the kids healthy as well, who both spiked beers during the night. ( Note: so autocorrect changed fevers to beers and I just don't have the heart to change it lolololol)

Good news is: That will give all our new friends plenty of time to dig into the archives !

To our newest members :













The discord link is :   https://discord.gg/H7RHXfxD

Feel free to poke around the Library,

Enjoy the oddities and the pleasantries, just beware the Duckies.

Senior members make our newest members welcome, and feel free to suggest your favorite posts in the comments below.

So hope all is well, 

Hope everyone is enjoying the season of Festivus, Solstice, Saturnalia, Yule, Chanukah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, and New Year.

We have so very much we are about to embark on, I can not wait to show you all the mischief, spice, adventure, and possibility we are going to get up to.

Until then, Have fun storming the castle!

Love, Forge Bear



Thank you for taking this time to rest. Sending healing thoughts to you and your cubs. We will be here next week waiting with anticipation. ❤

Ashlie Keylon

Thanks for the welcome! Hope everyone recovers from their “beers” quickly! 🤣