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* Cue Ashokan Farewell *

8th of March 2024,

My Dearest Vagininus, 

The war began unexpectedly. A single foam projectile, 

One simple " deez nuts" joke,


like that,

We descended into utter uncivilized madness. 

8000 darts a second.

School yard insults.

The screams of " beat dat meat" still haunt me when I close my eyes.

Pray for me, my love.

And every time you pull the diesel starter of your V12 4.6 liter lover, think of me. 

Gragariously Yours,

Lt. Cannon P. Fodder 


Ms. Jamie

We used to have a full extended family Nerf war every Thanksgiving. Many adults and children. This looks like it was more chaotic?

Donna C McCulloch

My dearest Cannon, Your missive was received with much weeping and clutching of pearls. I can only imagine the full carnage that occurred. Until your return, I shall attempt to console myself and assuage my hysteria with the new medical device prescribed by the modern doctor that has taken up residence in our fair town. Be brave, my dear soldier. Your loving Eustace.