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Hi all-

1.20 is finally here! Thank you for your patience and understanding, and most of all, your continued and amazing support! This was the toughest release that I have ever worked on. I wanted to give 1.X a good sendoff since I will personally be moving to 2.X development after the 1.20 release cycle. The rest of the team will continue on 1.X so you can still expect more on that front while 2.X is developed. More details in a future post.

1.20 contains 30 new features, 6 new content items, 46 tweaks, and 10 bug fixes! This is by far the most packed release to date and the longest release notes ever. It took longer than I estimated because the new features required a lot of rounds of testing, tweaking, and bug fixing. I'm quite happy with the final results, and I'm excited to see what people will create using the new features geared towards making content easier.

How to get 1.20:

Please see the download and install VaM post here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/downloading-and-32794384 


A highlight video is coming, but I did not want to delay the release any further to get that completed. Expect the video in a few days. If you can't wait until then, check out the release on your own and look for these major changes inside: 

Improved new and existing user experience

  • New start screen, new demo scenes, new mega-scene browser
  • Dozens of new usability-oriented tweaks and features

Improved performance

  • 10-25% general improvement, >100% improvement in specific cases

Vastly improved (10-30X!!!) scene and texture load performance

SubScenes (a key part of the Scene Wizard system)

  • SubScenes are a group of atoms that work as a unit that can be easily reused in multiple scenes
  • compatible SubScenes load extremely fast

Improved presets system

  • Preset locking – keep settings between scene or other preset type loads. This is another key part of the Scene Wizard system. Examples: Use your favorite Person appearance in any other existing scene! Lock skin, hair, and morphs, but let the scene dictate the clothing being worn.
  • Preset merging – allows layered preset loading. Examples: clothing layering, morph merging

Something missing? Yes. The Scene Wizard and Hub Integration are not yet complete. Major components of both of these features are complete and some are included in 1.20.0, but rather than rush these features and delay the release any further, we have opted to move the Hub Integration to release 1.20.1 and the Scene Wizard to release 1.20.2. We expect additional feedback and bug fixes over the next couple of weeks that will also be put into these minor releases. We will release 1.20.1 and 1.20.2 as soon as possible. In the meantime, you can use the existing in-game web browser to browse the Hub. If you download a VAR package using this in-game web browser, it will automatically install it, and if that VAR package includes a scene file, it will automatically open it. It won't, however, find and auto-download any dependencies.

1.20.1 and 1.20.2 Details

Hub Integration Details For 1.20.1

The Hub Integration is two pieces: a custom in-game browser for the VaM Hub and the auto-download system. The browser will work a lot like the new Mega-scene browser. It will allow searching for VaM content by category and other filters. With just a couple of clicks the content will be installed and be ready to use. The auto-download system is used to download additional packages that the resource you are downloading might also require without you having to search for it as well. The Hub Integration is all to just make it a lot easier to get content to use within VaM.

Scene Wizard Details For 1.20.2

The Scene Wizard will allow you to quickly make new scenes from various components. Key parts of this system are in 1.20.0: SubScenes and the improved presets system. How does the Scene Wizard work? Imagine selecting an environment (bedroom, pool, etc.), then selecting a character combination (1 guy 1 girl, 2 girls, etc.), then selecting appearances for the characters, and then selecting a set of animations that work with those choices. Once everything is selected through a step-by-step process, a dynamically created scene is created for you that is customized to your tastes and desires with multiple choices of animations and other interactions once you are in the scene.

Release Notes:

Items in bold indicate key items


  • SubScene atom and system - save and restore groups of atoms in relative position. Also has its own animation master.
  • New mega-scene browser
  • Animation: Scene animation system now uses params and can be controlled through triggers
  • Load Performance: Texture caching - 10-30X speedup when loading textures. Works with all images including thumbnails and packaged textures.
  • Load Performance: System for reusing Person atoms to greatly improve load times when loading a scene or adding new Person atoms to a scene
  • Performance: >10% increase in baseline performance due to large effort in optimizing physics
  • Performance: Huge increase in performance when changing morphs that effect advanced skin colliders
  • Performance: Added performance monitor UI to Person to allow seeing what features effect performance. This can be used to tweak what is enabled to improve performance.
  • Person: Improved and expanded eye control. Exposed previously hidden params and added new params for setting look at right/left/up/down offsets for micro-movement control.
  • Person: user invoked add of person now loads general user defaults if set
  • Physics: Added new maxVelocityEnable and maxVelocity parameters for joints and other physics objects. https://trello.com/c/Ao4c9WOe
  • Physics: Added physics explosion recovery button. Should not be needed as much with the other physics fixes in this release.
  • Physics: Added freezePhysics Atom parameter which allows halting physics on that atom
  • Plugins: added new SuperController events for atom changes and other events https://trello.com/c/EUX31pz4 
  • Plugins: added new FreeControllerV3 movement events https://trello.com/c/atRZY2uK 
  • Plugins: added predefined symbols of VaM version that can be used in preprocessor conditions https://trello.com/c/5hkJvzvl 
  • Presets: added plugin presets
  • Presets: merge load system https://trello.com/c/VLbl8xg7
  • Presets: locking system - keep settings between loads https://trello.com/c/ZGCVaKq1 
  • Presets: added user defaults. A special store that can be quickly loaded. New button to load them.
  • Triggers: New timer triggers for float params for Start/End triggers
  • Triggers: Collision triggers - added relative velocity filtering https://trello.com/c/xnjOzpux 
  • Usability: Atom isolate edit atom, which hides all controls that don't belong to that atom and prevents interaction.
  • Usability: Overhauled file browsers - faster, more columns, larger buttons with no wasted space, limit shown for faster performance on large directories or flattened view
  • Usability: New filterable popups for long lists to prevent performance issues and to make finding the item much easier. For desktop, filter can be typed in, and up/down arrows can be used to navigate the filtered list, while return key selects the item.
  • Usability: New user preference to hide targets that are completely off to reduce clutter and make it easier to select targets that are on. This is on by default. Option is in Misc tab in User Preferences
  • Usability: Added favorites system to all files (including packaged files). File browsers have new option to only show favorites.
  • Usability: Added hide system to files. Works with packaged files as well to hide content you don't want to see without deleting it or editing package
  • Usability: additional key shortcuts for camera control https://trello.com/c/Xgkg0QCD 
  • Usability: automatic monitor camera view and focus shift when UI is open. Allows seeing the focused control better. This is a user preference and is on by default.


  • Person: 2 new skins from Ren: Simone and Lexi
  • Person: 3 futa skins thanks to Class S Weeb and Ren: Kayla, Maria, and Mia
  • Person: Exposed additional 50+ breast pose morphs
  • Completely reorganized built-in content to put into packages for easier management and disable if not wanted. 
  • Some new scenes, assets, and templates added. Some old scenes updated
  • A few popular plugin addon packages included in the distribution (AcidBubbles Timeline 172, MacGruber Life 7, NoStage3 UnityAssetVamifier 20). Used in some of the new demo scenes.


  • Animation: Motion animation system seek to beginning now resets physics for more reliable restart
  • Animation: Scene animation system now has autoPlay parameter
  • Animation: Scene animation slider values can now be typed in
  • Load Performance: Vastly improved load speed of audio files from packages
  • Load Performance: Custom Unity Asset - minor improvement in load speed and hanging when loading from packages
  • Load Performance: Default skin (female3) is now never unloaded to make Person reset and scene loads faster
  • Load Performance: VAR compression - files already compressed (jpg, png, mp3, assetbundle, etc.) are now stored without additional compression for faster load
  • Misc: Thumbnails now encoded at 70% quality instead of 100%, resulting in about 4X size reduction
  • Misc: World scale can now go up to 20
  • Morphs: now always animatable
  • Morphs: min/max range is now auto-adjusted and not saved in scene/preset json files
  • Morphs: easier to find in trigger selection as selection name starts with "morph:" and popups are now filterable
  • Performance: Several tweaks to improve runtime and less memory GC allocs when atoms and other objects are disabled and re-enabled
  • Person: Improved auto-eyelid morph control. Improved blink while looking up or down. Improved eyelid movement when looking up or down.
  • Person: Exposed additional eyelid morphs normally used by auto-eyelid system (disable to use these morphs manually)
  • Person: general presets now store everything (was previously missing bones, plugins, triggers, and head audio control)
  • Physics: Tweaked some of the Person collider names so they are unique and work better with the Collider Editor plugin
  • Physics: Sim clothing and hair now reset when physics simulation is paused (like in snap pose preset load) to prevent fast flying and tangled clothing/hair
  • Physics: Sim clothing and hair collision is now also disabled if the Person they are attached to has collision disabled
  • Physics: Improved physics when loading pose preset
  • Physics - improved advanced skin collider reset and physics pause to improve stability and reduce explosions
  • Physics: Improved breast reaction during snap pose preset loading
  • Physics: Moving person when off is now much more reliable when turning back on
  • Physics: Grab moving Person from root node now freezes physics on that Person for easier moving and ability to pull out of stuck places like floors (can be changed back to old behavior with a toggle)
  • Physics: Added way to turn off soft body physics (all 3 regions: mouth, breasts, glutes/genitals) per Person atom for increased performance.
  • Plugins: cslist files can now reference cs files in other packages https://trello.com/c/JCEvKcFG 
  • Plugins: have access to new filterable popup using CreateFilterablePopup function
  • System Memory: loaded audio is now properly freed from memory after it is removed
  • Usability: UIButton/UISlider/UIToggle interaction is now properly blocked by other atoms in front of them
  • Usability: Disabled packages no longer show dependency errors in the log
  • Usability: Selection handles now immediately draw on the newly selected controller instead of 1 frame of lag
  • Usability: Triggers - improved Test button functionality. Added initial state tracking and added Reset Test button to put param back to state it was in before testing
  • Usability: Improvements to edit mode controller and other visibility when UI is toggled off.
  • Usability: Improved file search - now looks at whole path and also package UIDs (i.e. you can type AcidBubbles and it will find stuff)
  • Usability: Improved bottom monitor-only UI bar to be smaller and have secondary popout panel if needed. Allows more of the scene to be shown vertically
  • Usability: New startup and key entry system for faster launch.
  • Usability: Improved Add Atom menu: options to auto-select and/or align player to the newly added atom
  • Usability: addon package refresh button is now in the package manager
  • Usability: Improved tool bar - 2 rows, more features that are often accessed, rearranged for quicker access, option to flip the toolbar button order (for VR users to account for lefty/righty)
  • Usability: save scene overwrite confirm
  • Usability: load scene confirm and user preference to turn on/off
  • Usability: Improved Select menu: filterable/searchable lists, open UI on select toggle, move/align player on select toggles
  • Usability: Mouse grab handles now support select and other interaction passthrough - free rotation was disabled since it was not really useful
  • Usability: file browsers now show path to hovered over file button
  • Usability: added up/down scroll buttons for online web browser since it is nearly impossible to scroll in VR
  • Usability: mouse drag and pan is now disabled if head is possessing to prevent issues

Bug Fixes:

  • Physics - fixed game crash when person collided through another object like the floor. Also fixed crashing when explosion occurs.
  • Fix VaM hang/crash when setting atom parent to self
  • Fix issue with collision filters not working when atom was parented to another atom
  • Atom self-parenting is now properly disabled
  • Fixed physics joint issues when setting Person scale back to exactly 1.
  • Fixed issue with atom selection changing when renaming an atom
  • Fixed issue when collision trigger caused atom to be removed (scene load, etc.) and that atom was not able to be removed
  • Fixed issues that could be caused when grabbing something when it is destroyed (atom removed or scene loaded)
  • Fixed issue with atom parented to another atom that is physics based and control getting lost on the child atom after moving the parent
  • UISliderTrigger and VariableTrigger - when disabled, controlled param is no longer reset to 0

The End!

Thank You and Goodnight!





Bless you! In a Friday too!


Friday release!




This is exciting! Thanks for all your hard work.


Good job!


Perfect timing! I shall have no sleep tonight 🙂.


Where do you want us to report errors found? I presume you don't want here cluttered up with bug reports?

Gustavo Fausto

Will this install over 1.19?


The official Discord or on the Hub here: https://hub.virtamate.com/forums/vam-bug-reports.9/


Anybody having problems downloading this... Here's a torrent. It contains exactly the same files the updater would download. Copy and past this link into your browser. https://mega.nz/file/jNoy3SZI#qpEiFG9Y17ErXGWa71lHZgVDxp1BCy0FqJDDpfWLiLk EDIT: Some (all) of the people having issues with the downloader ran into difficulties because they unpacked the built in Var files into a folder. The updater is failing because it can't delete them. So before resorting to this torrent, check the error message the updater is generating. It will mention a var file. Go into your addonPackages directory and delete that directory. Then run updater again, and repeat the process until all the bad directories are gone and the update can continue.


Super thanks Meshed. Super job you make THANK YOU


Is it safe to update my 1.19 to 1.20 without losing any content I download and installed from the Hub?


Almost every person is torn


yeah, lost everything that was in "Meshed VR" folders. Collision and Texturs on many Scenes are broken now.


The oculus rift controllers are not working right and also I see a mask in green with 2 white sphere eyes in every scene

charlie H

did the Rescan Addon button got remove ?


It is in the Package Manager now where it is easier to get to and makes more sense


It prompted about this to confirm the delete. All the content that was in those folders is now in VAR files. Collision should not have changed. What are the textures issues?


Nothing was changed with the VR integration, but we will double confirm original Rift is still working


wow! that's what i call good news.


Well i thought loading textures would have been faster in 1.20 :/ Doesn't seems impressive..unless theres a bug?

Jordan Howard

y'all should flip your next patches and release the scene wizard first. we can already install content easily enough, but good scenes are hard. just a thought.


The first time you use a texture it will take about same time as before, but then it caches it for all future use to the be much faster, even between play sessions.


released on the one day i can't play lol


Downloading now! And whew! The patch notes are longer than a... than a... really LONG thing! Congratulations and thank you for your hard work! I'm really looking forward to playing around with it with my various Oculuses, (Oculii?)and then playing with it with my new Valve Index (bleh, in about 6 weeks) I hope y'all throw yourselves one hell of a release party, and then take a fantastic vacation! See ya when you get back!


I hear ya. I'm breaking out some "party favors" right now because I know I'll be up for a while!


Amazing work! Can't wait for VAM 2.0.


I am speechless about the new loading times. Amazing! Simply amazing!


It was better before. I cannot turn off the rotation of the head. There is no longer any collision between person and item. How do I reactivate the collision?


Hey. I tried to update but I get an error. How to fix? https://yadi.sk/i/JLzQfthA51BKaw


Hmmm i can't see any Performance boosts... I loaded my standart scene and in VR i only get 60fps... due to the hair.. The Physics Performance in this game is ab bit meh.. i know its complicated and custom physics, but it sould be an vr game and its barely running in vr... In My Scene ist just one girl 2 lights an some custom hair from NoStage. i got an 8700k@4.8ghz and a rtx2080ti.. so it should run at 90-120fps i think.. pls concentrate on performance before adding content browser. It just needs to run before adding compfort things


The texture caching really speeds reloads up. Subtle physics improvements are definitely noticeable and UI tweaks are great. Fantastic work!


Collision with player is a user preference in the Main Menu->User Preferences area. Collision with Person atoms is controlled by a toggle on the Person UI on the Control tab. It is on by default, but it could be automatically turned off if the game experiences a physics system corruption that would have previous crashed the game. Now it turns of collision and does some other physics reset to prevent the crash. This should not occur unless the Person has collided too far into certain objects like the floor.


Hi - this issue has likely occured if you had unpacked the var file mentioned into a folder. You can delete the folder or repack into a file. If you made changes in the folder, you may just want to move to a new folder so your changes are not lost and move back after the update.


If you are not seeing performance improvements, your scene is bound by GPU performance and not CPU performance. Most scenes and users are bound by CPU performance and that is where the performance gains in 1.20 are. You can try running some of the included benchmarks as a comparison and you will see there was a performance increase. Some hair on highest settings (look in the hair UI for the setting marked as GPU hungry) can bring any GPU to its knees. Also having a lot of lights can cause the GPU to be a limiting factor to framerate. Try scaling back these settings.

alex galea

Time for load scene is faster ,interface scene selection is much better ! thanks! i dream about compatibility with genesis 8 and also the x box joypad.. :)


What a delightful surprise. TY MeshedVR.


Holy crap the loading performance and overall performance are so much better.


"Morphs: now always animatable" makes it a nightmare to search for specific morphs for a lot of plugins. It's almost imposible to find the morphs you want in a cascade list of 500+ morphs. Maybe this could be set to be an optional setting? Anyway, great job on most other things, thank you.


Maybe that didn't came across right. It's a great update overall, just some minor peeves. Good job.


I think we all need Ctrl-Z function xd


Since the updater put the new vam.exe in a new directory, with new /saves/scenes...etc, is there a way to navigate 'above' this to access our previously saved content, or do we need to copy things over?


you need to copy stuff over. Copy the "addonPackages", "custom" and "saves" directories and you should be good.


In theory, yes. But I'm paranoid, so i always make a copy of my VaM directory, rename the new one with the new version number, and run the updater in that directory. It's always good to have a backup!


Are there specific settings for steam vr?. I noticed a significanr FPS drop in my scenes..


Ty Marc girard now all is perfect


My eyes hurt. MSAA setting has no effect for IScube textures nor image panels. In previous release IScube texture has MSAA but image panel not. My workaround was to use IScube textures intead of image panels. Am I now out of options? Please bring back MSAA for IScube textures.

Unaru Cosplay

My VR controllers aren't working in 1.20.4. I have a VIVE Cosmos which was working beautifully in 1.19, but has stopped. The controllers are being detected and motion tracked, just none of the buttons are being recognized.


I like the new browser for scenes, maybe increase the cap though on viewing to over 1000 :) (I'm well over 1000 of them now). Very nice update!


The update is very good, I would say one of the best. ❤️❤️❤️


Can i just say ... WOW. Graphics are so much better, i can run at 2.0, 8x anti alias, 4x smooth, soft body, 4 characaters smoothly! Not to mention, lighting and texturing look 100x better on the models!


for those that wonder ... Aorus 1080Ti 11G Extreme, 32GB Ram, Intel i7-8700k @ 4.9ghz ... nand drive


So...we've had 1.20 out a bit now, when does 2.0 come out? Kidding. Flame suit on. I do hope it isn't to far off though. I believe you mentioned better handling of clothing. Been editing items from Daz3d and most of it is fine, but some of the fits are annoying, when brought into VAM. Still....Nice.


The new workaround is to use assetbundles for material because they have anti-aliasing still. AssetVamifier can be used to enable high quality shadows on materials.


Are those specs with VR? I don't see much difference in VR with 1.2. I have a 2070 super, ryzen 3800x, nvme drive, valve index..32gb ram. Still runs like dog poop.


i too am having the exact same problem ... tried custom keys and repairing core files and all files and nothing fixes it .. really dont want to have to reinstall it but will if it will fix this problem ... i did see one person fix this by installing the whole thing into a new and clean directory but it was 1.19 and thats only 1 person so far..


full fresh reinstall into a new folder made no difference


Is there a way to disable the pause scene when switching to Edit Mode? Its a little frustrating switching back and forth to unpause

Unaru Cosplay

I really wish the VaM guys would reply somewhere to this. I have posted here, Reddit, and added a card to their Trello about it via email and I have seen nothing about this. It is really annoying.


It is about to be fixed in If you had Cosmos working well in 1.19 you had a custom binding. 1.20 may have reset you back to the built-in binding which is broken. will include a binding that is working for Cosmos for all functions.


Over 1000 and it starts to become sluggish to browse. You can use the filter to trim down or change your sort order.

meshedvr patch is going to fix this. It will be an option that is off by default.


ImagePanels and other textures is fixed in the latest update. I read that they use now MIP mapping. Everything is now looking good. Thank you very much!


There are scenes in the scene browser that are unavailable, like the first row on the picture above, will those be available when the new patch comes around?


updater keeps getting stuck on tan lines >.>


This happens if you unpakced the tanlines var. go into the addonPackages directory and either delete the tanlines directory, or move it somewhere else until the update finishes, then move it back.


Hi quick question when i open VAM in desktop mode the bottom control panel is so tiny and small cant see anything how do i enlarge it ?


Please see this link: https://hub.virtamate.com/wiki/desktop_ui_bar/ Click the 3 dots button, then change UI scale. I'm guessing you have a 4K monitor so this might need adjusting as it does not automatically try to scale.