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Two options for patching this time. Either the previous-style .exe patcher or a .zip file you simply overlay into your install folder to overwrite files. You can pick whichever you prefer. Some did not like the exe patcher so I included zip with only updated files as alternative. I tried to use a new patcher system for 1.8.1, but it required that the original install contain some files that I'm missing in 1.8 so I could not use it. 1.9 will start using the new system with launcher, downloader, and updater. I'm hoping to have my global CDN online for 1.9 as well so this might be the last of WeTransfer and Mega.

Download links:

Release notes:

  • 21 bugs fixed !!! See Trello for more details.
  • Tweak: ResetAnimation is called on all AnimationPatterns right before save. This puts objects back in their original positions to avoid glitches during load.
  • Tweak: Added trigger validation system that will automatically clean up triggers if you mark morphs as no longer animatable or remove an atom that the trigger was targeting.
  • Tweak: Error UI is not stuck to player head to make sure it is seen and text fields were increased in size so entire message can be seen
  • Tweak: Improved loading screen to be consistent dark grey floor
  • Content: Bonus jacuzzi scenes: All backers - additional interactive scene in jacuzzi. Entertainers and Creators - additional animated scene in jacuzzi.




:D now just need to figure out why i stutters so much.


Thank you for the zipped option


Thank you :D

James Smith

How does the .ZIP update option work exactly ? I'm a bit confused. I did unzip the original download of 1.8.1 and then moved that ZIP folder into the 1.8 folder build... Is that correct ?


Uhh...is it normal that when i load a scene my animation patterns start at "trigger point" now ?? i have some scene that when i load it goes go that then physic just goes crazy... same when i save with the screenshot :/


You need to move the *contents* of the 1.8.1 unzipped update folder into the 1.8 folder. You've done it correctly if you were prompted to overwrite 70+ files.


Agree! Didn't like the patches because they require admin rights for no reason (making you suspect they do more than just patch VaM).


Dude, get yourself on Steam immediately! They've just relaxed their policies to allow games like yours on there. People will pay good money for VAM, even in its current 'Early Access' state. I think you can do subscription models on there too, so it could have a similar price/structure to what you already have on Patreon. It's just another channel for you to get your product out there and earn some more revenue, which can then hopefully be poured back into development. Win-win!


The mirror can't shine


patcher seems to have worked fine for me :) thanks meshed

Keith Davenport

What part of the scene? The first one auto plays (the girl impressed with your apartment), and in the second scene, if I recall correctly, just have to reach out and touch her hand after her auto-play dialogue finishes.


Having an issue where all the menu tabs are scrolling automatically. Any ideas?


Try unplugging any joysticks you might have plugged in, like rudder pedals. I have been meaning to disable tab change control


Try changing physics priority to normal instead of high. That helped my stuttering a little.


Great work on the release :) Can't wait until we can import and load in our own blender or simple static meshes. Also I noticed 1.8 lost native Rift controls? Will they be re-added later on? Keep up the great work.


Great work :-) Thank you


for me it asks for key so i give it the key but nothing happens


Time for a teaser on the next release?? Finally working mouse desktop mode is all I care about so I can get back to work hehe


Its July.. you guys being strangly quiet. Heh


I would guess Meshed has just found a game breaking bug while scene building some content and hes not happy releasing in this manner :P


Hi meshed can you consider some more hairstyles like straight long and short. And a leslie type without ponytails


No 4th with a bang I guess.. mesh must be out of the office this week.


1.9 will be out within a few hours. Having some issue with my new distribution method.


I hope your talking about the file Nic!