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Release highlights:

  • Content: Jacuzzi terrace apartment, furniture, and props. Jazuzzi has water effect, controllable steam and bubble effects, and controllable light built in.
  • Content: Cityscape with day and night options
  • Content/Feature: Skyboxes! Many more choices of global illumination and accompanying skyboxes can now be displayed and adjusted
  • Content: New female 5 skin
  • Content: New clothing - bikini, male swim trunks, swim pullover, hat, and sunglasses
  • Content: 2 new female hair styles - both with morphs
  • Content: 2 new male hair styles
  • Feature: Animatable speech and thought bubbles. Send text to these via triggers. Controllable display time.
  • Feature: New trigger type - Look-at trigger with controllable look at and look away time for activating actions
  • Feature: New trigger action - start and stop hand possess (user must align controllers to hands after start)
  • Tweak: Added physics rate user preference (low or high). High is what 1.6.2 had. Low is a better version of what 1.7 had.
  • Tweak: Increased light shadow default from low to medium and added per-light control for the shadow resolution for fine tuning per scene as some lights do not need higher shadow resolution to be effective
  • Tweak: Greatly improved screenshot quality
  • Tweak: Once all controllers are possessing, automatically end possess select mode
  • Tweak: Heels now auto-set toe joint drive angles to align
  • Bugs: 16 bug fixes (see Trello board for details)

See Trello for more info!






And ya knock it out of the park with another one! This game is an utter dream to follow ^^


Thank you Meshed!

Dirt Nap

Hell yes!! Looking forward to it! Thanks for all the great work!


Oh my, your are just awesome meshed, thank you very much man :)




Well i hope Penis diameter morph will be in 1.9.


Wheee just in time for the weekend :) Have a good one yourself Meshed and Co :D


That's alot of new stuff! Awesome!


You're awesome! Always on point with updates and we appreciate you.


Niiice! 😀


Just finished downloading it from the direct link and after prob 30+ mins to download it says its corrupted. :/ EDIT: Got it fine from wetransfer.


Can't wait to try 1.8 out! :) With all this recent excitement with ICOs and cryptocurrencies, I wonder if VAM could make a VAM coin? I've no idea how to do this but I'd invest in it if it was available! :) Decentraland is a coin I can see that offers a decentralised VR experience. Perhaps VAM could do the same. Just me thinking aloud!




Saweeeeet!! :D


Fantastic work! You are redefining adult entertainment. I love VAM and these updates are wonderful. Also, the direct download link worked fine for me.


Omg this is more awesome than I expected... great job!! Anybody know how to animate decent Full body animation? I want to make a scene where a girl walks to the bed and throws herself on it, by currently sounds like a daunting task to get right lol. Also is there a way to navigate in posses mode and have the character follow without attaching the controls to the feet?


You gotta be kidding! I spent hours playing around with the JAV pool scene that was posted on reddit and thought I was in heaven. Now you post this...amazing! :)


Thanks for the new hairstyles!!!


<a href="https://trello.com/c/2g6DYxp8/707-diameter-penis-morph-slider" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://trello.com/c/2g6DYxp8/707-diameter-penis-morph-slider</a>


Did rift controls get changed? Anyone else have issues with the controls in 1.8 with rift?


And here I was thinking I was gonna get some work done tonight.


I almost gave up on it myself, but it finished loading eventually. The first time you load an asset, it has to be unpacked from the download bundle and written to your hard drive. This can take a while, especially the first time you run the program, as every asset used is being used for the first time.


Hum looks like you broke the AnimationPatterns morphs animations...


I got stuck after it said going to the apartment ? Probably me doing something wrong.


Me too; can anyone tell us what "do something with your hands" means?


I just handed her books until the dialog popped up.


You simply cant motion capture a full body. If you unlock everything but the possessed controls you could just walk around in your room. Unless you dont record other controls in a second or third step it will look like a moving string puppet. It's a nearly impossible task to get all that aligned correctly. I always fail, even if the recorded animation last only a few seconds.


So after install (overwrite) It won't load for me, just hangs on loading light atom on the intro scene....


I was getting that too, but I just let it set for awhile. It's loading in a scene, not the standard empty scene with one atom. So, try giving it some time.


Utterly mindblowing! Quick question and apologies if covered already, I haven't been keeping up to date for a little while - is it possible to change the default set of "auto expressions"? i.e. set up a new loop or tweak slider values etc rather than doing this specifically via animations?

matthew b

not loading game ?


Its possible to play with keyboard and mouse? i dont have any VR equipment


First time you launch the game it will take a long time to load as it builds it's assets .

Tim Jones

Very nice update :-). The physics is what makes this SIM stand out. The collision from the jacuzzi bubbles are awesome!


I could not have received a better Birthday present! Fantastic timing MeshedVR :P


Anyone know how to lod a scene and have that nice fade in fade out instead of seeing all the loading stuff?


Is there anyway to look around without VR gear that wont cause the man to become contorted and disfigured? And/or to control hands?


I plan on adding expression system which will replace the current auto expressions. I'll include a default setup for the expression system, but my intent is for community to be able to completely override this to make their own.


I'm going to work to improve this. Merge load will be faster in general as it does not clear the current scene before loading the next. I would like scene loading to be a smoother transition. I think you will want some kind of progress indicator though because some scenes can take some time to load and you don't want it to seem like it is just hung up.


The scenes the come built-in are oriented towards a VR experience. The male head is possessed by where the camera is on load. You should be able to hit 'tab' key and then look around with mouse without distortion. You could also open the menu and hit "Stop Possession" to disconnect and free move. I'll be adding mouse move of objects in next release, but it won't be the same as true VR possession which gives you all axis of movement at once.


Thanks for the new content! Especially the jacuzzi - the bubbles, steam, sound and visuals are great. Can't wait for even more new content down the track.


One more question! Is there currently a way to watch all Animation patterns move from step to step at the same time by moving the timeline? Right now I have to go into every individual animation patterns settings to control its specific timeline


I figured it out. Created triggers in the scene Animation for the animation patterns. Only problem is there doesn’t seem to be a feature to play/pause or reset the scene animation timeline (only the Animation pattern timeline)


Did rift controls change? I cant work it like I used to, cant move around, cant grab, etc. I think it thinks Im using a Vive? I get Vive control help diagrams but nothing for the rift.


They did not. I did update to the latest Oculus Unity package in 1.8. VaM actually searches in this order Oculus-&gt;SteamVR-&gt;Desktop. Can you check to see if your Oculus app version? Open the Oculus desktop app. Click Settings-&gt;General. Scroll to bottom. You should hopefully be on version 1.26 or later. I'm running on Rift and have not seen any issues. Perhaps you are somehow running older version of the runtime. You could also PM me the contents of C:-&gt;Users-&gt;[your user name]-&gt;AppData-&gt;LocalLow-&gt;MeshedVR-&gt;VaM-&gt;output_log.txt and I can see if there is anything unusual in there. You should see "Loaded VR device is Oculus" and also "Unity v2018.1.0f2, Oculus Utilities v1.25.1, OVRPlugin v1.25.0, SDK v1.26.0"


Hi Great Job on 1.8 it just keeps getting better, any chance of more Stocking / Nylon plus Suspender belts, in future release??? for the leg lovers :O)


Thanks! Yeah I have been meaning to add some more stocking varieties. I'll have to see if there is a suspender asset I can find.


Hey thank you for this wonderful update! Here’s a small suggestion, you should add “virtual hands” options top replace the blue and the red vr hands so they can interact for touching and sex toys ;)


Man, all of these download options are awful. They're slow and constantly fail (I'm on a solid 100MBPS connection). I'd highly recommend you look in to using AWS S3, it's pretty cheap. I think even just dropbox would be better...


im having issues with the new house scene. When it loads into the house. All there is is the water &amp; art on the wall. The rest of the house is missing/invisible. Anyone else having this issue and know a fix?


That is planned! <a href="https://trello.com/c/A2mdRnPD" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://trello.com/c/A2mdRnPD</a>


For 1.9 I'm moving to a CDN. AWS is not that cheap for 10000+ downloads of 5+GB. <a href="https://trello.com/c/wk7nyYp6" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://trello.com/c/wk7nyYp6</a>


Almost sounds like your install is corrupted. Some others seemed to have this issue. Try downloading from WeTransfer or Direct and reinstalling.


Meshed...Thanks for this. No kidding, my confidence and quality of life have improved tremendously since subscribing to your Patreon.