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Hey guys :D In less than two months all my initial milestones have been met :O You guys have no idea how thankful I am for this level of support. I didn't believe my Patreon would ever go this well and it's incredible to see how wrong I was! With the newest milestone met I can now start putting more of this money towards making sure the quality of the renders get better. Between new computer parts and new types of software, I'll be able to make stuff that looks better than it has in the past :D I'm super excited for the next few months and hope you guys all enjoy the stories yet to come! (I've also added a new milestone. I am normally incredibly busy between doing these stories and an important personal project going at the moment, so trying to add more renders in a month is getting tough. But at the next milestone I can start thinking about how much time I can start adding towards doing these stories.)



Congratulations and I am looking forward to those renders and stories!


Thanks you very much Michael! The stories are available at end of the month