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Hi Guys! As of right now, all of the stories have been sent via PM (Excluding two Patrons who have not yet been processed. I'll be sending you two your stories the moment that the payments go through!) and we can begin moving towards the new stories coming in July! While we wait for the new preview images (One of which is already up on my DeviantArt page!) I would like to use some time and this space for people to leave some feedback. What kind of feedback? Well whatever you believe to be constructive. Things like "It was too short" "I hate this!" or "I love this!" while all are fair criticisms, don't leave much for me to try and improve upon. If you liked it, let me know why so I can put it to better use going forward. Did you find that something wasn't to your tastes or wasn't effective? Leave a comment below so I can better improve my work, both for the sake of myself and for the sake of you guys! (NOTE: If anybody feels like they should have recieved their stories and haven't yet in a PM, please send me a message so I can get it resolved ASAP. Thank you :D )



Was I one of the 2?


No you were not. You had signed up after the June 2015 Processing deadline, so you will be getting the Growth story for July 2015 :D


Dang it. I thought I might make it before the deadline. Guess I discovered your Patreon a few hours too late. Was looking forward to seeing your work too.

Edward Love

THe Unaware story is FLAWLESS. I'm not a fan per se of the other work but it's still great art. As far as suggestion, I would love more unaware but you have to do what you love. I'm just a supporter no matter what


Thanks yo so much. I love the Unaware theme too. I promise i will doing more Unaware comic!