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I'm kinda tired so no chapter today, and since I'm already writing this post, I want to ask you guys how you feel about DIIDDIID? (wow, that abbreviation is almost as bad as typing it out)

Reason I'm asking is because a lot of people across various platforms seem to not really like the protagonist starting out normal with no cheats. I'm kinda surprised by that, since I personally like it a lot (two of my favourite stories are Going Native and See No Evil by Ideas Guy where the protagonists start out quite normal or have low-key cheats).

People on Webnovel were pretty chill with only 1-2 comments mentioning it, but over on Spacebattles and QQ, there are like, a ton of comments of people expressing their dissatisfaction, feeling that its boring, that I'm intentionally screwing the MC etc.

You guys obviously don't hate the story otherwise you wouldn't be here, but I'd like to know if you feel it would be better if Arne's journey to the top was slow and gradual or if he got more power-ups and sooner.




My only issue is that there doesn't seem to be a path for him to take to get power, if he doesn't have the light or magic. I'm sure you have a plan, and I'm looking forward to it, but it would be nice to at least see him start on his path to power. Right now he seems to be going where life takes him, with no currently successful plan to help him survive all the craziness in the future. Frankly though, I'm happy to have you write the story the way you want to because I am enjoying the story; it would simply be nice to see what his first step to power is.


I don't mind the slowness but I do want to see what the path is for Arne.. also to find out what makes him damned


Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt to spoil a few things... though if people are reading this comment and dont want to be spoiled, then be careful. okay, so first power-up (or what i had planned but that might change) was going to be awakening the vrykul blood to get a big increase in strength. it was only going to happen down the line though bc hes only ten and if monsters attacked he obviously wouldnt be on the frontlines so no chance to awaken in until like 5-6 years from now. second power up was going to be related to death. yeah, he has death powers, big hint in the title and the nightmare graveyard thing. so he already actually reincarnated once before but never awakened his memories in that life. the graveyard is a scene from his past life like a dormant memory, with some supernatural shit related to it. i was going to keep it for much later but i might speed it up a bit, though not necessarily give him big dick powers but at least some stuff to make him not quite normal. third power up was going to be the biggest one after he joined the stormwind knights because... something interesting happened to them, though not all, when they were killed and got involved with gul'dan, i wonder if anyone knows what that is >.>


and his death powers are different from normal, because his 'death' is not the same as people in this universe, so the kind of shadowlands death stuff essentially has no influence over his soul. and when he gets involved with necromancy and death magic it does not go as expected


I'm fine with how it is so far, I liked the subversion of how these typically go.


I like where you're going with it. My only thought is maybe give him some sort of small thing he can train in the next few chapters, either in addition to or instead of the vrykul blood so that there is something that he can work on for his survival now, rather than having no plan currently. Either way, I'm still enjoying the story and will look forward to when you reveal more in story.

Eldar ortell

Hmmm did that come into play when his brother healed/resurrected him, like his soul is just easier to resurrect or what ever takes your soul to the shadowlands can't touch him so it's easier to drag it back, so maybe his brother isn't as mayorly talented with the light as he seems to be, but then again the actual priest did have trouble doing it so it may not have had as large effect as I'm hypothesising here