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Just looking for some general feedback, so feel free to vote for anything you agree with. You can leave comments on any other stuff you think of as well! The kind of feedback I am looking for is not "Do more X character" but more "Sometimes its hard to follow the dialogue in your comics" or something like that.

(Remade the poll because it wasn't multiple choice)



You're always doing great, king - but also, it's fun to experiment with your output, so if there's stuff you want to take a shot at, I'm sure people would love to see it!


Pretty happy with these results overall. Once again its clear people love Overwatch stuff and I think I'll try another GTS thing soon. Also its very awesome to see 'more dialogue' get a fair few votes since I am constantly worried about having too much. Mostly surprised that 'more cruel scenarios' got the most votes. Does that mean people want scenarios that are crueller than my usual? Or is it just that more people don't want wholesome scenarios like 'the safe word'. Its my fault for making it so vague I guess 😂


more dialogue is a huge + for me but i didn’t vote it because i wasn’t sure if you just preferred to write less. however i’d say always go and write more if you want!!! those that don’t like it can always snag the textless renders afterwards so everyone ends up happy!

Joe Quinn

I’m just happy because you’re the best content creator of the type currently around. Anything you make I enjoy.


Very good point and I love doing the dialogue! I usually end up cutting quite a lot haha


in my humble opinion just write however much you want! textless renders will be an option for anyone that doesn’t like it. either way your work is excellent :)