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First of all I've made a few changes to the Patreon: 

- Commission tier is a little cheaper and has one less slot.
- New cheaper smaller commission tier
- New tier above above earl that does nothing but costs more lol. I don't know if this is a good idea but I'm gonna try it and I'll delete it if its not. It doesn't change anything if you're not interested in it, other than making me look like a greedy arsehole 🤣

This month I want to do a sequel comic. In general I am not really a big fan of sequels unless it was planned because a lot of the time it feels like treading the same water. But sometimes people just want more of the same so I'll give it a go! Please vote for your favourite comics I did this year and I'll use this info to drum up a proper poll later on in the month. 

I also am going to do a few more polls just for general feedback. Nothing serious. 

Finally... Thanks for all the support! I can't really describe how fucking awesome it is that you all want to stick around. Here's to many more stinky comics in the future!!



I voted for Jinx, obvious bias from me! But since we get multiple votes I also went with D.Va and Tracers day off, one of my fav comics, and Destined Death, cause Elden Ring is underrated and we need more art!


Ain't going nowhere mate - you'll have to literally delete my patreon account to stop me sticking around lol


Well I obviously went for the daughters but I think Kiriko has em beat. I am sad


I'm glad nothing got 0 votes at least. Not every comic I make will be a winner but its nice to know even the less popular ones are someone's favourite 🥰 I think what I've learnt though, is that basically people still really like the Overwatch stuff 😂