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- base game compatible
- made with
- Custom venue requires Zerbu's Venue Changes mod or Basemental's Universal Venue List

--- Post starts here ---

Experience the revival of this cherished skill from The Sims 3! Embark on a journey of martial arts mastery as you cultivate a Sim skilled in the ancient discipline, don traditional Gis, and engage in exhilarating sparring matches. 

This mod is in it's beta stage. Please report any issues you find.

Disciplined Trait

Sims with the Disciplined trait have an easier time picking up martial arts techniques than other sims. They also fair better in sparring matches than their non-disciplined counterparts.

Martial Arts Master Aspiration

The Martial Arts Master Aspiration track awards sims the Martial Arts Master title. Master sims are awarded the Enlightened trait, which gives your Sim the ability to channel their Chi to slow down their motives, increase their skills faster, or delay aging. You will need to cultivate enough Chi for these interactions to appear.

Chi can be cultivated via any activity that promotes healthy breathing and mindfulness (practicing kata). If you have Spa pack, many activities from it will increase your Chi. (meditation, meditative walks). 

There is a cooldown after using your abilities before your sim can start again.


Select your Sim > Martial Arts > Check Chi Level.

Martial Arts Skill Perks

Increasing martial arts skill will:

  • Unlock new martial arts Gis via CAS,
  • Unlock katas of increasing complexity,
  • Have an easier time breaking boards,
  • Better sparring outcomes.

EA Integrated Martial Arts items

Sims can increase their martial arts skill via these items available from the game. These increase fitness and martial arts skill at the same time:-

  • all Punching Bags from base game/packs
  • all Training Bots from Strangerville

*Highly recommend this conversion by Zxta of the Sims 3 Training Dummy if you love the wood version.

Dojo Mat Object

The Dojo Mat custom object is for sims to train their katas. Katas are detailed choreographed pattern of martial arts movements that develop habit and muscle memory. Train solo or form a group and practice kata with other sims. Katas available to a group is dependent on the lowest skill level of the group. (i.e. you can't perform a higher level kata if someone in your group doesn't meet the requirements)

Board Breaker Object

Practice your knife-hand technique by breaking foam or wood boards with the board breaker.

If you have my standalone beta board breaker object, please remove that one. This version is an upgrade to that and compliments the martial arts mod.

Dojo Venue

Credits to Jarl44 for building this amazing 30x20 dojo training venue, furnished and ready to plop in your game. All items used in this build are base game friendly. You'll have to do some minor editing to add the custom martial arts objects.

If you plan to build your own Dojo, be sure to follow the requirements. 

*You need Zerbu or Basemental's venue list to lay down this venue.

Sims receive boosts to martial arts skill gain at the Dojo. Additionally, they can enlist the mentorship of the Dojo Master for even quicker learning. The Dojo Master works a healthy 9 - 5 hour career shift and will not always be there. Like-minded sims with an interest in fitness and martial arts will frequent the dojo.

Gi Outfits

Pic: two variations: casual & formal

Credits to Monochaos for creating these amazing Gis!

Both casual and formal Gis can be found under athletic wear, but formal Gi must first be unlocked before appearing in CAS. Sims will autonomously wear formal Gis at the Dojo. 

The Gi is an overlay outfit which hides all your sims' outfits. Don't panic if it looks as if the Gi has overtaken your sim's wardrobe. 

Select the closet > Martial Arts pie menu > 'Remove Gi' to revert to your sim's usual clothes.


A key difference with this spar compared to Strangerville's is that it has an ending! Sims who Martial arts spar will fight until one of them receives a point, aka hits their opponent. The cool moves from sims 3 are also brought back. (Matrix kicks, I have missed you!!) So sims with high martial arts skill will execute high-skilled techniques during the spar.

Find sparring under Click a Sim > Friendly > Activities > Martial Arts > Spar

Don't despair if you can't defeat him. The Dojo Master is extremely hard to beat (but possible). 


No reported conflicts.

Known issues

Occasionally there is a delay when changing Martial Arts Gi outfits. (i.e. from Green to Blue Belt or any color) It's safe to ignore this, just takes time. Have your sim walk away and do their thing.

Cancelling the break board interaction by force (i.e. Reset sim cheat) causes sims to not terminate the interaction properly and stay in 'break board idle' posture. Fix by directing sims to the board breaker to finish the interaction.


  • Unzip the folder.
  • Everything inside 'Put in Mods Folder' goes into your Mods folder.
    *Scripts must be placed less than one subfolder deep.
  • Everything inside 'Put in Tray Folder' goes into (you guessed it!) your Tray Folder.



All strings are compiled in Mercuryfoam_TRMartialArts_ENStrings.package. 


My sincerest gratitude to Jarl44, thepancake1, Monochaos, Frankk, LeRoiDeTrout, MizoreYuki, Pandasama, Turbodriver and all of you who have stood by my side throughout this journey. Your unwavering support and encouragement have made this possible. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Pic: Kata Mastery

Happy Simming!


heidi (Team de luniversims.fr)

Great, thanks for this mod, I had used in test the old one, and I was looking forward to see the new cutting, too good. I'll send you the French translation as soon as possible♥


Thank you very much for your work! This looks great and I am looking forward to playing with it. 😊


will it be possible for kids to be able to use this mod?


is there a way to prevent random shoes from spawning with the gi?