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From my earliest days of modding, my heart has been set on bringing Martial Arts back to Sims 4. My very first mod featured a Roundhouse and Crescent kick interaction, and my SimLit stories often featured skilled fighters. You may wonder if that passion still burns within me given so much time has passed since and I've been radio silent on this, which I apologise for. 

The answer is a resounding YES. In fact, Jarl44 and I have teamed up to make this mod a reality and development has been ongoing since 2022! It was almost in a releasable state but as you know, last year was a difficult year for me resulting in my 6-month hiatus, and the mod was sadly put on hold for most part of the year.

I've since dusted the cobwebs and began working on it since February. March's patch shook things up and I've had to strip the mod down and rework a good many parts. I've divided the re-tests and fixes of this mod into phases, to which the first phase is complete and hence the writing of this celebratory post!

Phase 1 ready for patch 1.96 includes:

  • Martial Arts Skill Track
  • Martial Arts Aspiration Track
  • CAS Traits
  • CAS Preferences
  • Integration with existing EA interactions
  • Board breaker Object rework
  • Custom effect and sounds

These are the bricks and mortar of the mod, the core foundation upon which all else is built. Now that they've passed their stress test, I'm feeling optimistic about the next phase! There are so many other features to this mod that I'm excited for, but I shan't spoil it! Fingers, toes and plumbobs crossed that everything will go smooth like knife through butter and that I have not jinxed myself by being a cheery tomato. (O mighty sim gods have mercy on me).

The martial arts mod will be released for testing in the future but for now, we've decided to start sharing development blog posts to keep you updated on the process. By writing these, we hope to make it more accessible and transparent, so you can get a behind-the-scenes look at the works if you're interested (and should you have any suggestions, you can bug Jarl44 who is in charge of creative direction). I'm excited to share this journey with you and hope you find these updates helpful and informative.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you'll stick around for the next update.

(Sneak peek for phase 2)

p.s - My first ever mod. Only download if you like townies kicking each other every 10 seconds. (I didn't know a lot of things back then 😭).

p.s.s - I'm still animating my couple contemporary dance, just modding in between for variety.



heidi (Team de luniversims.fr)

This is an art that I loved in the Sims3, nice initiative. I'm going to test it, too much desire, you finish it? Thanks for your fabulous mods;)

Mercuryfoam Sea

Hi Heidi! World adventures was one of my favourite packs too. I loved it so much in Sims 3. Most of the dev work was done for this mod but I am doing further retest and updates where required for 1.96. I will definitely let you know when it is ready! Thank you for your sweet kind words! ^^

Trixi Ray

My God !!! So I'm really looking forward to this !!


Yaaay I've been waiting for something like this for so long! You're the best!!


An interesting idea!! I'll be looking forward to it.

Emma Rouge

Yes yes yes! I'm so ready for this, such an exciting mod!