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She spun the bottle, and it was Nicholas’s turn to choose. “Dare,” he said. “I dare you to arm-wrestle me! I’ll prove to you how much of a manly man I am!” she clamored. They both walked over to the dining table and took their positions opposite each other. “Best of luck,” he said as he grabbed her dainty wrist. She gulped wide-eyed nervously, looking at his masculine arm and wrist gripping her slender right arm. She soon realized it was a bad idea. But there was no turning back. It was a matter of her life. Her masculinity. As Nicholas began pushing ever so slightly, she put all her might, resisting his force. She had no idea that he had just begun. He was smiling, looking at her whimpering over nothing. He gradually increased his strength towards his impeccable victory. Rose ground her teeth while sweat trickled down her face. Her face trembled, and her arm shivered as she didn’t give up. His amused expression soon turned into that of worry. He became anxious that she might hurt herself. His muscles eased themselves, submitting to her will. She slammed his hand onto the table. She couldn’t believe she actually won. “Hey! Why did you do that? Why did you give up?!” she hollered. “Let’s just continue the game. That’s what you wanted, right? You won, you proved yourself, at least this round.”

“Not like that! I would have beaten you fair!” she yelled out. He just glanced at her for a moment and then spun the bottle. “Truth,” she said, enraged by the circumstances of her success in the previous round. “Okay, here’s my question. Do you find men sexually attractive?” he asked with a cunning smile. She had hardly opened her mouth to answer when he stopped her and said, “wait, let me help you answer that question,” he pulled out his shirt, exposing his chiseled body. Her jaw dropped as soon as she saw her hidden physique revealed in front of her. The weird emotions she felt earlier when they danced returned with overwhelming vigor. Heat welled up in her loins and blossomed upwards throughout her body. She tried to distract herself by looking at the background, but her eyes returned to him. Seeing her bated breath and her gaze at him, he said, “I think I got my answer,” he giggled.

Feeling flustered by her reaction, she began the next round. It was Nicholas’s turn. “Dare,” he chose. “No! You can’t choose dare in a row twice! You already did a dare last time!” she complained. “Fine, truth it is,” he complied. “Right,” she calmed down a bit, ”I ask you, why did you let me win the arm-wrestling challenge? Why are you helping me?” she asked, trying to pry into his mind.

“Hmm,” he fell into deep thought, “It’s a bummer I have to tell you like this, but I love you.” He confessed, “I fell in love with you the first time I saw you lying down in the alley! That’s why I have been helping you, and I let you win that challenge because I couldn’t see you get hurt because of me,” he did not hesitate, for a moment.

“Dude, are you fucking kidding me?!” she squealed at him. “Didn’t you hear what I have told you multiple times? I am a man!” she screamed in her soft feminine voice.

“I don’t know about that. Maybe, maybe not. But you are a real person sitting in front of me. And that person I see is a girl. I know that, and you know that too. And I love that girl very much. So, I don’t care what you say,” his words hit Rose hard, turning her speechless. Her eyes brimmed with tears. Her emotions were all over the place. She desperately wanted to end this all. But she had no idea how to wake up from this nightmare. After a while, Nicholas decided to proceed. The only sound in the hall was that of the clinking bottle glass spinning on the floor. It was his turn again. “I guess, this time it’s a dare for me,” he smiled at her. “Kiss me,” she said.

“What?” he asked, flabbergasted. “I dare you to kiss me!” she said in a firm tone. “Are you serious?” he inquired again, “why?”

“I can’t take this anymore! I am going all in! I’ll prove to you and me that I am the guy I am telling you I am!” she babbled. “Okay, whenever you are ready, take the lead,” he said.

She leaned forward towards Nicholas. Both their hearts thumped harder with every passing second. They could feel their breath hitting each other. As her lips touched his lips, she felt a jolt of electricity run down her spine. She pressed down further, and instead of getting grossed out by her actions, she could tell her inhibitions were falling apart. She couldn’t believe she was getting turned on over kissing another guy. She pulled herself away. They both gazed into each other’s eyes for a moment, and she immediately returned back to action. They vigorously smooched together as her hands wrapped around her neck. He pulled her in closer to him as she rested on his lap with her legs wrapped around his waist. It went on for the next five minutes. She finally let loose to take some breath. “What was that?!” he asked with a startled but delighted look. “Fuck, I guess you are right? Well, it doesn’t matter. I like this more,” she said as she pulled down the strings over her heaving breasts.

She woke up naked with Nicholas on his bed. The sun shined over them through the window. She remembered what happened last night, what she did. She didn’t feel regret. Instead, her world was filled with clarity and pure bliss. She felt at home. She still didn’t remember her former name or where she was from. But it didn’t matter. Her name was Rose. And that’s how she wanted to live for the rest of her life.



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