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It was past midnight, and there was not a soul to be seen. She pranced around the alley, trying to find someone. “WHERE ARE YOU BITCH?!” she screamed. “Woah! You still looking for the girl in the witch costume? That’s hilarious!” he laughed. She turned around and glared at Nicholas, “You think this is funny?!” Nicholas replied, controlling his laughter, “Yeah, I think it is! Why would a little kid roam around in a dark alley past midnight? And you seriously want revenge for what? Knocking you out because you stole some of her candies?!”

She realized she hadn’t told him the truth yet. Her expressions calmed down a bit. “She, the kid in the witch attire, was not some ordinary kid. She was a real witch,” she muttered, “I am a man, and she turned me into this!” she said, pointing towards her body.

“Ahh,” Nicholas scoffed at her, “But you said your name was Rose?”

“That was a mistake! Something overtook my mind!” her voice trembled, “I am telling the truth!”

Nicholas put a hand over her shoulder and said, “Hey, listen, I believe you, okay? You must have a family, right? Tell me, where do you live? They can help us find the witch!” he assured her. “Right! My address… Ah fuck!” she shrieked furiously.

“See? You need a doctor and some rest. Everything will be alright!” he affirmed. “I AM NOT CUCKOO IN THE HEAD!” she barked at him. “Agh! Why are you being so difficult?! You say your name is Rose and then deny it, you don’t remember your address, you speak of some kid who is a real witch, and she turned you from a man into a girl because you stole some candy?! You expect me to believe that shit?!” he lashed out. She froze for a moment and then slowly broke into tears.

Nicholas took a deep breath and tried to hug her, but she hit back. “I even cry like a girl!” she sobbed. “Alright, let’s go back. It’s cold outside. We’ll figure something out,” he quietly giggled as he assured her by rubbing her shoulder and then ushered her back to the apartment.

They sat together on the futon, contemplating the situation. “Why are you helping me?” she asked. “Well,” he was interrupted. “I know why. I was a guy too, you know. I know what you’re thinking. Don’t even dare,” she raised her eyebrows as she warned him. “Right, that certainly you were,” he mocked her back.

“I have an idea. I certainly can’t sleep tonight with such a beautiful lady in this tiny apartment, and you can’t coz you clearly don’t trust me. So, why don’t we pass the time playing games, say, truth or dare?” he proposed.

“And why would I do such a stupid thing?” she asked in a spiteful tone. “Because you’ll be proving you are a guy by playing the game, and I’ll try to prove to you that you are the girl that I see,” a sly grin spread over his face.

“Oh really?” his proposal piqued her interest, “and I’ll prove you wrong.”

“So, shall we shake hands on it,” he raised his hand in agreement, and she reciprocated. He rushed into the kitchen and walked out with a beer bottle. They sat down on the floor, and the bottle was placed in between. The game had officially begun.

Nicholas was about to rotate the bottle when she intervened, “I will do it.”

“Sure,” he casually leaned back.

She twisted the bottle in one swift motion. It spun for a moment and finally stopped with the neck pointing towards Rose. She looked at Nicholas, ready for his question. “Truth or Dare?” he asked. “Truth,” she replied with confidence. “What’s your real name? I mean, your name when you were a dude,” he smirked while asking the question. “I have only one name, and that is, that’s… R-R-Fuck!” she struggled. “Your name is Rose,” he finished her sentence. She breathed fire while she glared at him in silence.

“I win this round!” he celebrated, “It’s my turn,” he said as he spun the bottle. It was Rose, again. “Wow, two in a row! You’re a lucky girl!” he teased, “Truth or Dare?!” he questioned with enthusiasm. She was nervous after what happened for choosing truth, so she went with the dare. “Dare,” she murmured. Her mind dashed from one horrible conclusion to another for what he might ask her to do. “Dance with me,” he dared her. She was taken aback by it. She wondered why he gave her such an easy dare, but she didn’t mind, as this means she’s going to win this round. He played the music and offered his hand, “Shall we?”

“Yes,” she took his hand and stood up. “I hope you don’t mind,” he said as he guided her hand over his shoulder and held the other with his right hand. His left hand went around her waist and pulled her in closer. She gasped at the sudden physical intimacy that she didn’t anticipate. He started swaying left and right, making her dance elegantly. Being in the shoes of a woman felt surreal to her. She looked at him and flushed red. She hadn’t noticed the man that saved her was so attractive. The strange feelings engulfing her mind fluttered her heart and spread like wildfire all over her body. Panic set in, and she yanked herself away from him. “I think that’s enough,” she quavered and sat down for the next round. He smirked and turned off the music.


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