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Ladies n Gentlemen, 

The moment you've all been waiting for has finally arrived. Honey Bunny 2 is now available for your viewing pleasure!



Now, you might have noticed. I've Included 2 different links. Previously, some users have had issues with MEGA. To resolve this, I decided to include an alternative link from a different storage provider (MediaFire). So if you're having issues with one link, you can try the other. Hopefully, this works well for everyone.

Also, the file sizes are a bit...big. This is kind of a challenging area. On one hand, you want the best, uncompressed, High Quality visual fidelity. On the other, you don't want to wait forever downloading. So, for this time around, I decided to lean towards larger file sizes, retraining all image quality. However - its possible the majority of you wouldn't mind much smaller file sizes. So let me know what you think about this.  

Okay - Whew. I'm beat. This has been quite the journey and a pleasure to create. I'm extremely grateful for the wonderful support from you. I like to think I have some of the best fans around. Because of your support, im able to pursue these projects. I would of never thought years ago, that I would be creating Hentai Animations that are +30mins in length. Not to mention featuring multiple Voice actresses. Yet here we are, and its glorious. 

Right now my ass needs to step away and catch up on some much-needed rest. Gonna take some time off then get back to the grind. So many new projects I'm eager to start!

Look forward to it! 



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