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Hey Gang!

As I'm sure you've noticed. There are a couple of new changes made to the Patreon front page. I've now added two additional Tiers. A typical Entry plan and a 4K Premium plan. Originally, when I launched my Patreon years ago. I had no real general direction. I thought I'd see how the fans react and shape the Patreon more organically to fans' feedback. 

For me, it never made much sense creating a bunch of plans, that divided up my time. Time I'd much rather focus on creating animations. Which is my bread n butter. But over the past year, I've heard your feedback and figured its high time I make these new changes that I hope everyone will enjoy and be more accommodating to everyone's budget. 

For everyone who's currently subscribed. No worries, absolutely nothing has changed for you. Nothing. You still get access to everything as before. The only real notable change is access to the 4K videos is reserved for the Premium plan. So don't fret, but if you do have any concerns. Please feel free to message me. 

This is of course a work in progress. As I receive more feedback, I'll continue to reshape the rewards to be more accommodating. 

Now, on to the last bit of news. Honey Bunny 2 official release date will be...This Friday, August 25th! Currently, adding the last tiny tweaks and rendering out blocks of completed footage. Excited to release this film at last!

As always, stay tuned!



this film will be awesome