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“Late.” Hayato snapped at me, her voice coming out too fast, in a rush. She was obviously getting antsy.

I nodded. “Traffic was slow.” I offered, as an explanation, although it didn’t satisfy her. 

Hayato, like me, already had a layer of sweat on her forehead. A Shinai in one hand that she was still going through a slow, set of motions for.

“Sensei has you practicing super slow?”

“Yes.” She snapped out, and I could see her face shift between irritation, before blanking. “I would enjoy a spar.”

“Sure, want to do brawling, or Shinai?” I offered pointing at her blade.

She reddened and reacted instantly. 

“Do not speak with such disrespect to the art of swordsmanship!”

“So you want to fight me with the Shinai?” I repeated and she pointed the blade at me.

I nodded, walking over and grabbing one off the rack. As I walked back I noticed Sensei watching us both, only once I stood across from Hayato did I shift into an actual stance.

If I remember right, she had seen me doing forms under Sensei’s eye before, but hadn’t seen me actually fight.

My Blades skill might not be as good as Street Brawler, but I wasn’t a slouch.

Especially since Parry, my second Blades Perk was perfect for this sort of thing.

Nodding we both understood the spar was on, and she charged. 

Once more relying on her Keren to be able to adjust to any incoming change I just breathed in and out, and started parrying.

Swing after swing, I guided Hayato’s blade away from me. It wasn’t easy. I think I was actually better skilled when it came to pure blade work, but she was so damn fast.

Still, I kept her back. The clack of Shinai that she continued to hammer against me, never reached its target.

I was really really good at deflecting blades. Parry coming in clutch, completely negating Hayato’s speed and skill.

And she wasn’t happy.

“Stopthat!” She yelled, speaking so fast her words blended in together.

So I did. Pushing her back after another parry, I activated my Sandevistan.

Time stopped. The warmth spread from my neck, and I moved. 

I could see the moment Hayato realized what had happened, her eyes widening, but her Keren only gave her the chance to realize what was happening before it was over.

With a flick of my wrists her Shinai was launched out of her hands, and mine was thrust just past her head.

I turned off my Sandy, feeling everything go back to normal, even as the uncomfortable warmth continued to hold across my neck.

“Wha-You got a Sandevistan! You should have told me!” She broke out of her surprise quickly slapping my Shinai away and poking me. “If I had known I would have held back less! So you chose a Sandevistan in the end?”

“I needed to get used to it. And the sooner I started. The more experience I would have.” I offered and she nodded. 

“Good! Excellent! You have just become a useful sparring partner then! I need more practice against another using boosterware.” She nodded, hands on her hip and nodding with an imperious look.

Honestly it just made me want to pat her on the head and give her a cookie or something.

“Yeah. I could use more practice with the same. More Shinai work, or switch to fists?”

“Hmmph! I will strike you before I allow this spar to end.” She decided, turning and stomping over to her Shinai.

I nodded, and we got back to it. 


“I don’t want to talk to you.” She argued as I offered her a drink. 

“C’mon don’t be like that. Defense is something I’m really good at with a blade.” I offered, but she refused to talk to me…

So I pressed the cold can against the side of her neck.

“Eeee!” She shrieked loud enough everyone in the hall jerked, and a man I noticed along the edges reached for a gun in his suit before calming as Hayato turned to glare at me. “Don't do that!”

“I don’t know. That was kinda cute. I’ll have to do that more now.” I decided and settled in beside her, popping the can of my soda as well.

“You! Utterly outrageous!” She snapped but grabbed the drink and popped it open to drink from.

“It’s your fault. I told you I was ambidextrous.”

“Outrageous!” She repeated, and I had to smile. I had made a crack about how I was better with two Shinai and she had demanded that I did so.

Hayato hadn’t done well after that.

“How is your Sandevistan? You didn’t use it again.” She asked, and I felt my fingers reach up to my neck. Chrome digits touching against the chrome. I felt a bit of the heat still there.

“I’m not really used to it yet. I feel like I burn myself each time.”

“Hmph. That is normal.” She offered and I nodded. 

“I know, my ripper said the same, but it makes me uncomfortable.

Especially since when I used a maxdoc it went away, which meant it was some sort of injury.

“You will adapt, an-I have to leave.” She said, her speech cutting off for only a millisecond as she changed what she was saying. Her guard along the walls was already moving over as well.

“Sure. Chat with you later Hayato.”

“Motoko.” She agreed and then hurried away.

I rested for another minute just to cool off before rising up. Time to head home.


When I got home I made a meal and was humming a song, all while I was programming.

Hiromi had mentioned why I didn’t just remote control the Tachikoma, and I couldn’t deny it was a good idea.

While I wouldn’t always be as confident in controlling their bodies as they would eventually become. I could show them how to do things it might take a while to develop naturally.

So I was working on the control interface. It wasn’t simple tech, but I had the copy of the Minotaur system, and was basically copying Militech’s homework while changing it enough the teacher wouldn’t mind.

Progress was going pretty fast, as I was going through the code and setting it up. I finished eating, and even went and took a shower while I was working on it, just tapping away in my mental digital space as code flowed over my eyes.

Then, as I was drying off it was finished.

I looked over at the Tachikoma, and slipped the update for the control access, and then took it over.

I went to take a few steps and instead of moving it just sort of twitched and then fell flat.

Right. The Minotaur used a control crown to better handle the human to machine interface. 

I sighed as I considered what to do. I could probably put one of those together? No, that sort of defeated the whole point of being able to use the Tachikoma stealthily.

I shrugged. I would just have to adapt the learning system to learning how to handle my own inputs now.

Not a huge deal, just another little thing I would need to work on… Unless I went and bought an off the shelf drone? No, I realized, it might help, but even then, it wouldn’t have the same control system. The Tachikoma’s unique design would make it a bit more complicated. 

I shrugged, deciding to just open a new branch of the AI learning, for it to adapt to the new concept.

I looked at the laptop. It was doing an acceptable job of giving the Tachikoma the extra processing power it needed, but it was an issue that was going to become more and more of a problem.

Might need to actually go out and find some leads apart from Hiromi. Might lead to some fun gigs or something I guess.

I flopped onto the bed and continued working on the Tachikoma remote connection. 


The next morning I woke up and stretched. Ignoring the Tachikoma that was laying on my stomach I moved it over and set it on the ground as I left the room looking for breakfast.


“Oh hey Jun.” I muttered sleepily, as I stared at not just Jun but like. Four TC gonks all hanging out on the couch.

Eddies, drugs, and guns were all over the living room table, and I could tell from one look that Jun hadn’t slept yet.

I blinked at him, and he winced as he realized how it looked.

“I don’t want to know.” I decided and Jun looked relieved, and sort of broken at the words.

“Hey! It’s little Motoko!, heh! Haven’t seen you in a while, kid! Why don’t you come over here and say hello to Big bro Yuto!” He called out happily then turned to Jun. “When’re you going to finally bring her in eh Jun? She’s old enough now! Looking like a real woman already.”

“Never. Motoko doesn’t have much interest in this stuff.” He said, with a bit of a growl in his voice as a warning. “So drop it.” Jun snapped, and the man sort of flinched back at Jun’s tone.

“Hey, no worries Jun-chan, no worries. But Motoko, not into the Claws? When did this happen?” The man asked, waving his hands trying to keep Jun’s burning glare to calm down.

“Yuto.” He snapped, but calmed down after a second. “I told you Motoko was in a coma.”

“Yeah yeah, I remember just shit. She used to be the one pushing you into shit. Whenever I had trouble getting you involved, I’d just poke Little Motoko!” The man laughed uproariously at the joke.

Jun just rolled his eyes, but I noticed he was actually pretty comfortable with the guy.

I shrugged. None of my business. Wandering into the kitchen I threaded my chrome fingers through my hair, straightening it a bit as I pulled out a soda and started drinking it down.

Come to think of it, as I watched the men on the couch. I hadn’t seen Jun bring over friends much. 

“Chooms of yours Jun-nii?” I asked and he looked back towards me, as did the boys.

“Oh shit, you really don’t remember eh Little Motoko? Come over here and sit down, Let big Bro Yuto see how much you’ve changed.”

I continued to sip my drink as I threw a look at Jun.

“Yuto was my best choom growing up, Motoko. We ran together when we were kids.”

“Hah! We still run together Jun-chan! Now that I’m out of the slammer!” He cheered and the boys around him cheered alongside him.

“Huh.” I muttered wandering over. This wasn’t entirely uninteresting.

“How long were you in jail?” I asked as I hopped over the couch settling in besides Jun.

“Three years, time served! More like time taken.” Yuto muttered darkly. “But I’m out now! Jun-chan is a Kamikaze! Bozo and dipshit are still just shit-muscle.”

“Hey! Fuck you Yuto!”

The other guy just flipped his choom off and they all laughed, even Jun.


“Well boys and bitches, this was fun. Fuck I haven’t had a real drink since they locked me up.” Yuto offered with a tired grin as he stretched towards the ceiling.

“Heh. Fuckin’ hell Yuto, it was never the same without you.” One of the other guys mentioned with a grin.

Then Jun spoke. “Yuto. I’m glad you’re out.”

“Well shit Jun-chan you are going to get me crying if you keep that shit up. Although boys, there is something you can do for me, you know, as a favor to an old choom.”

The three boys all looked curious, and Yuto smiled. “Help me flatline the gonk fuck that stabbed me in the back and got me sent to the slammer eh?”

I watched on as the three boys all reacted. Jun didn’t say much. Just sort of frowning seriously, while the other two were a bit more argumentative.

“Fuck Yuto, we can’t do that shit.” One of them offered, and the other nodded along agreeing.

“Fuck you both then! No wonder you gonk fucks aren’t anything but lackeys still. Jun-Chan. Bro. I need this.”

“You know I can’t. Kisaru is high up. The whole reason you got pegged with it, was because he had the power to get out of it.” Jun said softly, uncomfortable at what he was saying.

“Exactly! He thinks he’s all that hot shit! Made me take the fall for the drugs! Just because I was carrying them to the fucking buyers! If the fucker had just kept his mouth shut, that’d be one thing, but he fucking squealed. You know he did!”

“Kisaru was cleared of that. Besides, Kisaru is a Lieutenant now. We are honor bound not to touch him. You know what happens if we do. They’ll kill you. Us.” Jun offered weakly.

Very weakly. 

“Don’t fucking-No, you know what’s up. Jun. I’m calling in the favor. You owe me for this! You come with, I can get to Kisaru easy as shit and flatline that gonk.”


“You fucking owe me Jun! You don’t have a choice! So don’t be a bit-Fuck!” He squealed when I came up behind him and stuck my knife right into his trachea.

“If you’re dead, then Jun-nii won’t owe you shit. Can’t owe something to a corpse.” I explained simply.

The room went silent, and I was getting looks from everyone, but I wasn’t playing this game.

“Motoko.” Jun said, but I ignored him, because was about to be talked into stupid shit by a fucking gonk ass old friend.

Shit like this was how everything always went wrong.

“H-hey, Little Motoko, we don-” I jabbed a bit harder.

“You shush. Listen to me now. Jun is doing better, but his life doesn’t need this sort of shit. He is way too connected to the TC to go murder someone high up and not have some shit fall on his head. So no, Jun isn’t going to help you get revenge. If you ask him again, I will remove you from the entire situation. Permanently.”

“Motoko.” Jun muttered, but I noticed wasn’t actually trying to stop me.

“Do you understand Yuto?”

“Yeah, yeah I hear it.” He said a little strained. For a guy that went to jail he wasn’t really all that strong willed.

“Good. Jun, having chooms is good, but you aren’t allowed to ruin your life because of revenge. We both… We both had to put revenge behind us yeah?” I told him seriously, then I let go.

“Fuck. Holy shit.” Yuto muttered rubbing at his neck, checking for blood.

Which was silly, I didn’t want to cut him, so I didn’t.

“Then fuck was that?” He demanded, and I just stared at him blankly.

“A warning?” I answered truthfully wondering how that had somehow gone over the guys head. Deciding that my point was made I spun the knife on my fingers and then holstered it away before stretching out a bit. “Gonna do some more programming, have fun with your friends Jun… Just not too much fun.”

“Motoko. Go to your room.” Jun said grumpily and I nodded, yeah that sounded good.

I really wanted to do some work on my net hacks.


I looked at the code as I did a final scan. 

Overheat was a pretty common online hack. There were a few different versions. Some were a virus causing Cyberware to basically go crazy overclocking themselves, and some like this one, dumped a huge amount of junk data into the netrunners connection making their system overheat them and lag out at the same time.

The original one Yoko had given was pretty terrible. Large RAM cost, Slow upload rate, easily stalled out.

I needed a hack I could use on a netrunner so it had to be more than just a baseline hack.

So I had sat down and decided to improve on every aspect of the hack.

Reducing its size with a few alterations to the code. Massively lowering the RAM cost. I was pretty proud of that one. 

Instead of sending a large packet of data over with the upload to lag the system, instead what this version did was alter some of the configuration settings of the enemy netrunner. 

It caused their own system to fill with junk data on their own side. Much faster upload, much cheaper to do, and much more effective.

One small protocol alteration caused everything to come crashing down.

It was… Well it wasn’t amazing. I wouldn’t call it anything more than a middle of the road hack.

It wasn’t as powerful or effective as my Hell Flame hack.

But it was also much much smaller, and more focused. 

And I could rapid fire the hack without nearly as many issues as Hell Flame gave me.

It was an easy go to hold out weapon. I stretched out satisfied as it finished and I installed it into my deck.

[HEAT Bullet Mk.01] Installed and looked like it would work just fine.

Stretching out I wandered back out of my room. The living room was still a mess. Empty cans, trash, and some what I think was leftover drugs?

Jesus Jun, this is way worse than my firearms mess.

I wandered around cleaning most of it, but leaving the drugs alone. Can’t say I was happy about it, but I was assuming the boys would be back to get their shit.

I finished cleaning up and decided to test out my new hack.

Down in the garage, sliding onto my Kusanagi, I hesitated. Forgetting something important. I had promised to be more careful.

So I sent out a text and when I got a response I smiled and gunned it. Heading out into the city towards my netrunning lair.


Alex C

Thank you!


Thanks for the chapter!


Welcome back!

A Bellator

Welcome back Seras!

Andrew Bazhaw

Welcome back hope the break was good for you


Welcome back!!

Homeless One

Interesting, Jun's former friend out of jail. Kind of a reminder how much has changed and how fast.

Sami Hautamäki

Oh yes, new chapter. Motoko giving all the wrong signals to Yakuza princess and we got new minor character that is going to do something stupid soon enough. Interesting times ahead.


Ok but when will character development happen? Come on, he isn’t weak-willed, pretty sure knife to the throat will do that to anyone, he’s just smart😒


Thanks for the chapter. I really want to see Hayato and Hiromi meet. Epic sparks. I loved Motoko meeting the friends.


Thanks for the chapter! Yun is going to be trouble, isn't he?


It was mostly busy busy busy. But things should finally calm down after last Monday. (Of course I've said that a few times now. So who knows.)

White Neko Knight

Woot! Welcome back and thank you for the chapter. That idiot is going to get Jun in trouble.


Yeah I wanted to toy with some Cyberpunk tropes. (The friend returning and causing issues for the MC as they drag them into trouble their life doesn't need. Usually this would have been the arc that led to Jun's death or soemthing. But Motoko ain't having that. Doesn't mean trouble isn't on the horizon for Jun though.)


Awww yissssssss, I was waiting for this! Literally jumped up and clocked out for lunch to read this. It was a nice chapter, and I hope some stuff happens with this new guy, Jun’s chooms, and the new lieutenant guy you introduced. Sounds like some preem stuffs a brewing


Thanks for chappie!

A Bellator

Have a feeling the new guy is gonna get caught and going to scream Jun made him do it that or leave evidence implicating Jun.


what!? yeah!?




Thanks for the chapter.

Just A Dude

Always great to see people who knew her before reacting to the changes. I'm just wondering if her 0-to-Murder in 2.6 seconds attitude is because of her Cool or just a side effect of what she's been through.


Peer Pressure doesn't work when your peer's little sister is capable of killing you while drinking her soda.

Nef Mccrimmon

Aww thought she was going to have handle that lol


Bit of both. Motoko would definitely be listed as borderline Cyberpsycho, because of how casual she is about murder, but that's a mix of training and becoming inured to the whole thing.


I need more Hayato, she's funny. Also how much effort it would take for Motoko to get nine points in adaptations without spending stat points?


Love your novels


Welcome back indeed! Thanks for the read and I think the old buddy might of leaked a bit!


Still wondering if Motoko will program the Tachikoma a roomba program to clean their apartment. Then she finds out it threw away her spare parts. Noooooo! My junk!!!


Yuto is the definition of bad news. He's definitely gonna do some dumb shit and it'll blow back on Jun and Motoko. That was a cool sequence though. Its a great showing of how much Motoko cares for him that she's willing to do shit like that for him. Great stuff! Thanks for the chapter!


Hope when shit hits the fan it would get resolved in one chapter


Nice, hope you're doing well


It's not really effort alone, but time is the main factor. People get used to things over time, but we are talking like a year or two to get mostly comfortable with something. Like imagine how long it takes to get used to losing a hand or something It's like that.


She did gain 4 points in hands adaptation for free. And it wasn't that long. Was it the effort of focusing on her hands mainly and spent stat points reinforcing her adaptation? Like a cumulative effect? Edit: Also, what about her Kiroshi? She had them before even Gang War. Plenty of time to adapt. Or the spent points really affect adaptation that well, that 1 point is not enough?


sounds like motoko should level grind a bit to get stronger in case she needs to save jun, hire some netrunners to constantly fire some balrogs into a prepared server full of debuff traps so she can kill/harvest the exp from killing them


Thanks for the chapter!

Colton See

Thanks for the chapter!


I want to learn more about Hayato and what her background is. Also get the feeling Yuto isn’t going to let it go.


Welcome back. I think this sentence is missing the he before was- “Motoko.” Jun said, but I ignored him, because was about to be talked into stupid shit by a fucking gonk ass old friend.


maybe thats the trigger for the next big arc? I mean it's a bit tame since the whole gang war bit


Welcome back! Interested to see how Motoko deals with a bad influence from before Motoko. Could be interesting to get Youto POV when she does some crazy shit. Changes are always much more apparent with distance. When you see gradual change it is difficult to gage the intensity of the changes. Awesome work!


Let me guess: Big Yuto backs off, but the Lieutenant doesn't on the assumption that Yuto will want revenge.

Olivier Pascal

Tftc. Either Yuto sneaks Jun out and baits him with the excuse of goofing arround as they used to do only to then pressure him with that favor or he is going to involve both Motoko and Jun by being caught and then escaping when he seeks vengeance and leaving behind planted evidence of his supposed collaboration with the brother and sister, or it can be somethingentirely different. Either way, Motoko can't escape this plothook whether she wants to or not. Also, love Hayato!


good chappie


I thought we might get Sensei to help with her Sandy. Maybe next time.


Yeah, dude trained a bunch of chromed out psychos. He should know a thing or two about adapting to Sandy.


I shouldn't have read the comments. Before I was as satisfied as possible due to reading a new chapter. Not even thinking about the new gonk. And now I am sitting there worrying about upcoming plot waiting for shit to hit the fan. As various comments are suggesting, the new guy will likely falsely accuse Jun in some nefarious shit. And now I understand why I am annoyed, because false accusation are my pet peeve. Edit: Well, conflict is a pushing power of stories. And I deeply enjoyed Gang War arc. Although this one seems to be shaping differently. Let's hope that the gonk underestimate Motoko.


Finaly thanks for chapter ! :)

Michael Zalesny

Yuto is hoing to be trouble, Im sure


Will we see more VtM and Warcraft in the future too? (Also PtV) I think I'm much more interested in your other works currently.

Duke of Coffee

Well, well the plot train has arrived let see where it will lead, hopefully Yuto will either be put in his place or get rid off. More training for her new hacks, her Tachikoma is growing slowly but steady as always.

Konner Morris

That is if it doesn't blow up and cause both Jun and Motoko to leave the claws/apartment.

Duke of Coffee

Maybe the exp was too low since she is not killing, thus slow to gain since she has a exp bar to fill.

Duke of Coffee

Maybe both Kisaru and Yuto need to meet alone, no weapons and just have a good Olde fistfight.


Glad to see you up and running again! I loved this laid back one. It really showed the dynamics of Motoko. Relaxed grinding sessions, sudden new input, the quick calculation, then immediate threat assessment. Even without a fight it was a great way to break the calm and show where peoples' character were laid bare. Advancement, plot positioning, and ability establishment. A solid chapter overall. Keep up the good work!


Thanks for the chapter! Very much enjoying Hayato Also like how you demonstrate how smoothly her programming now happens during her daily life. A nice demo of the shift in the 11+ space - kind of scared how her coding will end up in higher ranges. Then there's breaching 11 we have yet to see the impact of - I suspect the next chapter might fix that ^^


Go to forums.spacebattles.com look up author seras. I personally wouldn’t mind seeing the Planetary annihilation/battletech see some love. Enjoyed the chapter Seras.


Check out Seras’ snippet thread on spacebattles


Yeah adding the stat points did help along the progress quite a bit. It sort of solved the worst problems, and let her grow to accept it. Plus Motoko is actually a cyberfreak to start with. So the idea didn't really bother her, and her relatively good mental health helped. (Good at the time anyways.)


I do plan on revealing Hayato's whole thing soonish. I haven't written it yet, but it's on the plate.


I thought about showing it, but ended up not really fitting it in. It was there though.


I can't promise VTM. I think my interest in that has died down, but maybe in the future. (I've come back to that idea like five times before actually getting anywhere with it. So it'll come back.) Warcraft... Maybe. PTV for sure. I just need to get the time to write some more. I'm more likely to do the Skyrim/ASOIAF snippet at the moment, but I just don't have the time.


I made a snippet thread on Spacebattles, for ideas that I wasn't really planning on turning into a full story, but wanted to write and figured I might as well share. You can find it here. https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/serass-dumpster-of-random-snippets.1143040/ If you aren't familiar with forums. Follow the threadmarks and you'll see everything in order.


Thanks for the new chapter!!


If Hiromi ever sees how Motoko interacts with Hayato Hiromi will have her first kill in the story. Gotta say, I always love when Motoko switches from the harmless-seeming friendly goof to scary professional killer at the drop of a hat.


I decided and settled in beside her, popping the can of my soda as well. should be I decided and settled in beside her, popping the tab of my soda as well. or I decided and settled in beside her, popping open my can of soda as well. Hiromi had mentioned why I didn’t just remote control the Tachikoma, and I couldn’t deny it was a good idea. should be Hiromi had asked why I didn’t just remote control the Tachikoma, and I couldn’t deny it was a good idea. He squealed when I came up behind him and stuck my knife right into his trachea. should be He squealed when I came up behind him and stuck my knife right next to his trachea. Empty cans, trash, and some what I think was leftover drugs? should be Empty cans, trash, and some of what I think was leftover drugs?


Motoko is being an idiot. She should have tagged Jun. He is going to do something stupid and her warning wasn't enough.


Ah Yuto is giving flashbacks of being barely into puberty and getting cat called with a side of creepy relative with gross comments on top.


Missed the update. So no time joke for me. Still thanks for the chapter Additionally Will Makoto ever stop the accidental rizz with her tsundere sparring partner... Or her accidental rizz in general.


Yuto has been in the time capsule that is jail so for him not much has changed. It also seems he didn't take the time to really catch up on what he missed just went right back like nothings changed. I'm curious is the name Motoko has made for herself with the claws with he to him at some point.


Maybe once she realizes what she is doing… or someone throws it in her face.


Probably though I doubt he'd think to hard on how to do it. He strikes me as a meat head so what he manages to pull together likely won't hold weight. Though I can see it causing some sort of chaos for Jun and Motoko because of course it will.

Logan Sigsworth

The new chapter is great as always! Thank you!


No it's genetic both Jun and Motoko are dense as a neutron star. It was probably a miracle that their parents got together.


Thanks for the chapter! Half expected Motoko to offer offing kisaru to spare Jun the bullshit

Slayer Anderson

Yuto’s going to be a problem, that’s obvious. Looking forward to seeing it resolved since he apparently doesn’t understand that low level gang bangers take the fall for their superiors. That’s just how it’s done.

Samuel Andersen

Thank you for the chapter, I love this book!


Quick question if you don't mind: I tried to set up an account to follow along in 'spacebattles' website only to apparently have every attempt rejected, any clue what that's about? I'll need to try again anyway this weekend when I'm not 'work, home/rest/shower/food/sleep/repeat next day'.

A disgruntled nondescript squirrel

Yuto, doesn't make sense. Low level doing time for high lvl is how it's done in Yakuza and it's rewarded for loyalty. 3 yrs in prison to a career yak is not going to harm his career, it's like sending him to criminal college, pretty sure that a prison in arasaka controlled territory is going to be very claws friendly.

Alexander Jonsson

That's only really when it's an arrangement, if it's ratting, and not taking the fall for someone higher up, it's different, there's vendetta


Honestly I was expecting her to start insulting the guys intelligence that he didn't just go to a fixer to get the job done without it leading directly back to him and his friends. Maybe offer him and family friend's discount if he goes through one of her fixers 😂


Just wait until there's more than one tachikoma and they fight over who gets to throw the other away!


Everyone worrying about Jun being falsely accused of stuff isn't bothering to think things through. When Jun gets implicated in this idiot's trouble it will be because he was honestly trying to help the idiot out and talk him down from attacking a Tiger Claw lieutenant. Things will have just progressed too far to back out safely and he'll decide the only way forward is to go through the lieutenant and deal with the heat afterwards. Then there'll be a sudden Motoko Interrupt!


Yep! If Yuto had been a full TC when it happened, that's exactly how it would have been done. But Yuto was like Ichi and Malcolm. Low level street punk with stars in his eyes about his future, only to have some kid that's the son of someone higher up squeals and ends up with Yuto in jail. (What should have happened, is neither of them squealed, they both get a slap on the wrist, or short jail time.) But Kisaru talked and Yuto got longer jail time for it.


Maybe you are right. We might not even see the whole scenario until the very end.

Mech Bagienny

In this case, Kisaru meets the Spirit. And no, she won't murder him, she'll just gather everything she can on him and rush to watch him burn.


I wonder if she finds her new anti-Netrunner hack to be powerful enough or finishes first Tachikoma prototype that can operate ala Flathead, can she revisit Regina Jones' gig with exotic dude? Repair her reputation so to say.


So why do I feel that Kisaru and Hayato now might be related. Uh-oh!

Alex Doan

If you ever consider AI-assisted writing, check out sudowrite. It's going to help take out the tediousness in writing, give you ideas. It can help with writer's block.


What I don't understand is why Motoko doens't consider him a problem. Literwlly half the comment section only talking about him. She isn't stupid. It can't be just a matter of perspective.


I have no interest in AI stuff. I will never use it to 'assist' my writing. But I do appreciate you are trying to help. Thank you.


Motoko's brain. If Yuto becomes problem. Execute Assassination protocols. If Yuto doesn't become a problem. Dire Warning threat has already been achieved. Plus she does trust Jun.


Yea that guy won't cause problems in the future at all.


She really need a perk for multi-tasking. Just doing her stuff and programming away in her head. Because the programming is coming relatively slow. She doesn't have a big arsenal of netrunning stuff. But I guess she need a way to level up stats without stat points? Also, a stupid idea I had. A quickhack at level 11 doing opposite of other intelligence skills, using less of her chrome, maybe even just other chrome, that way, she could quickhack even without cyberdeck. Or is there much better and tastier idea? P.S. Sorry if I am yapping too much


Is V scheduled to return anytime soon?

Hazel D

Thanks for the update! I'm always happy to see an update for this story.


Nothing specific, but I'm sure our favorite Counter Intel agent will show up again at some point. I'd actually love to give her more scenes, but she is spending like 20 hours a day working for Arasaka, and that isn't the sort of space, she can really hire a 14 year old without becoming a laughing stock.




It's because you're applying narrative rules and both in real life and in-universe people are using common sense that says "This is a bit of tension between my bro and his old friend that they can resolve on their own. It's unlikely anything will happen without me knowing just because the guy asked Jun to help with something risky, especially after threatening him to make my position on it known."


What about Kiwi and Lucy? Is it possible for them to still be in Maine crew, or nah?


I am not sure if I missed it, but it wasn't really clear that Yuto wasn't even full blown TC member.

Konner Morris

I see Sasha taking a break to grapple with psychosis, and the squad needing kiwi/who will still meet Lucy.

Stefan Landshut

plus... i kinda feel that Motoko has started to normalize this in her head. Night City being Night City... if you don't like someone, you say you want to flatline them.