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Thank you so much for the continuous support here on my Patreon~!

I will continue to do many video projects in the future that you all can enjoy.  Again, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and I hope you also have a blessed New Year~!



Toma Cafe

Merry Giant Christmas to you 🎄🥰

Darren van der Valk

D'aww melt my heart why don'cha. That smile is too precious, and contagious! Combo'd with arms wide open, for that real welcoming and loving posture. Thank you for the wonderfully warm wishes. That's our poster girl! This year sure has flown by. Looking back, as we take in the scope of all that’s happened, I can fondly say that your return to the creator scene was one of my most joyous moments. Imagine my surprise when we were given the opportunity to further show our support. Even sonic would’ve had to hear that boom when I signed up! Like how the star atop the tree was used for guidance so too will I continue to follow your work. The future of your channel as like the decoration is looking bright, now that’s a tree topper! Here’s to my continued participation, of which I'm incredibly excited to be a part of. Thank you for already filling my year with so many amazing blessings and here's wishing you a very merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year.

Christoper Cross

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year