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Here is the preview picture of a next animation video I am currently making for next month. 

Stay tuned~!



Darren van der Valk

Great choice of preview, I like how there's a lot packed in here and enough to go off to give some inclination of what to expect without giving anything away. In other words, a great anticipation shot. A towel on the head, rosy cheeks, lying in bed and someone by your side to take care of you. All the elements you need for a sick archetype. I ain't a doctor but I think I can diagnose where this is going. As always great model selection, Yukari is one of my favorite's so really excited to see her put to action in one of your videos. I have a feeling I'm really going to enjoy this!


Thank you for the in-depth obeservation. I'm impressed on how much detail you can see just from the preview. Also, I really want to use this Yukari model for so long because the model is very nicely done.

Darren van der Valk

Thanks! I like to think it's because of my keen observational eye but all due credit for picking such a good frame of reference. Like they say, a picture says a thousand words and you can tell a lot in a single image. I do think it was largely due to you having such a great sense for teasers as each time I've had a plethora of items in the scene with which to gauge the expected plotline. So, cheers for giving me so much to work with! Glad to hear, hopefully that makes for a trouble less animation process! Sure, she's kitted with all the bells and whistles as I've seen her model being used quite frequently. Ultimately, I adore her look and style so having the added benefit of ease of use is even better!