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‘All we are are the stories we tell, the stories we create.  They are our greatest legacy, our most inconsequential but also meaningful way to mark ourselves as having existed, both in the memories of others as well as in the world itself.  It should seem so simple, telling a story.  It requires things we understand but never truly ponder, such as how to craft a world, and within it seasons fair and fierce, animals great and small, history mundane and momentous.  But a story is more than a place we paint in our mind. To create something as profound, as simple as a story, is to breathe life, even if only for the seconds and minutes that it is perceived.  How long it survives, after its words have faded from hearing and those conjured images in our mind replaced by others, is entirely based upon what you may take from it.  

For the sake of the stories I write, perhaps that is all they ever will be.  They are not the stories that are seen as often, not the ones sold in bookstores, not the stereotypical tales of romance, conflict, and self acceptance.  But they are mine. Perhaps they are simply something to entertain, to help me deal with my stress and my depression, and most importantly: to make both myself happy.  Happy in telling the stories I always wanted to tell, and you, the readers, happy as well, wven if it was only for that moment. I am at peace for being finally able to share, with you the viewers, friends, and comrades I never thought I would have, this most precious story of mine.  If you do not enjoy my work, for whatever reason, I do not fault you.  But never give up on yourself, what you love, and what you enjoy doing.  A story does not always start at the beginning, but we will reach the End together.  

Live to Love, 

Love to Write,

Write to Laugh,

Laugh to Sing,

Sing to Create,

Create, to Become.

Become, to Live.  

Thank you.’

~Alreigch Russland.

“A Beginning is a funny thing.  No one knows the perfect way to start one; what riveting sequence of words will at its exodus capture the minds and attentions of those who witness it, taking them willingly, happily along on yet one more great adventure?  Some are mighty and lengthy, others are subtle and choose their words with care.  It is a thing that can be anything, anywhere, but simply finding it can make, or break, a story before it is ever told.

This, most rambling, most wandering, most unorderly tale I weave, is mine.  A Bard's tale, that of adventure and intrigue, danger and romance, mystery and miasma.  Sit here with me a while and I will tell you the story that has always yearned to be told.
For it is my story, and I am a Bard.  For how else would I be able to tell it?”  ~Oborro Othello, the Greatest Bard who Never Lived.


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