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It did not take Kelin long to scrub the makeup from his face, although he would need an actual shower to get the stuff out of his hair.  He left it trailing over one shoulder in its ponytail rather than tying it up in his usual, tight man-bun.  He changed out of his costume and into more casual clothes, packed away into his duffel bag, and then hurried back out of the dressing room.  He found Hera easily, inspecting the museum placard near the front doors.  He had grown used to the huge, stained-glass object, emblazoned with the name of the museum, the day it had been founded and opened to the public, as well as a mission statement from the owner, Mr. Livings.  A black and white photo showed a much younger-looking Livings at an actual dig-site, alongside nearly a score of mixed race and species people, all posing alongside a full-sized dinosaur skull.  A map of the museum was underneath all of this, with a big red pin at the top of it stating "You are here."

He tapped Hera on the elbow and she turned to look down at him.  He saw her eyes sparkle and his stomach clenched hard with butterflies.  She wordlessly reached for his hand and he took her paw, adoring how soft her fur was.  Passersby stared as the couple walked from the atrium and towards the nearest exhibit, a display showcasing a Native American tribe in full, authentic dress.  A mock teepee had been set up behind the wax mannequins, as well as a carved placard that had details about the display, where the historical pieces had been discovered, and a list of fun facts for kids.  There was a spare headdress posed on a stand near to it, one of the most popular places for tourists to take pictures.  Hera insisted that they both pose for one.  Seeing her so completely out of her shell was nothing short of inspiring to Kelin.  Only a day or so beforehand she still had those moments of uncertainty or withdrawing into herself.  After everything, it was like a switch had flipped.  All she cared about was living her life to the fullest.  He could totally see where her bandmates had so quickly learned to adore her, her energy, and immediately want her as a member of their group.

On and on they went, past every exhibit and showcase that they could find.  Kelin showed her everything, every single display that he had grown up around, memorized, sometimes even taken for granted.  Hera loved them all.  If there was a place to take pictures, she made sure to have them pose for them.  If there was a placard to read, she read it.  She listened to audio excerpts, touched interactable pieces, held items that were safe to do so.  The smile in her eyes never faded, blazing like the warmth of a fireplace, kindled to full power every time she looked back at him.  They took breaks every now and then and she took those moments to listen, to look, to watch, and to learn.  They talked about his childhood, about his memories of hanging out here or at the library down the street.  She listened to him talk about his days in Pronghorn Elementary, hiding in the reading nook with a collection of children's books about animals, about dragons and knights, studying music throughout the ages, and renting out videos, CDs, and books about it all.  Kelin was beginning to feel hoarse, almost guilty in that he worried he was boring her.  But the way she asked him questions, probed him for more, demanded plot summaries of the books he read; all his fears were groundless.

Sometimes they would just sit quietly, hand in paw, and watch the various people walking all around them as they sat on a carved bench his grandfather had donated to the museum.  He noticed her claws trace the insignia of his clan crest over and over with her free paw, stroking the well-worn and polished wood with the dark pads on her fingertips.  He leaned against her and she growled softly, leaning back against him as well.  He couldn't have cared less if people stared.  Let them.  This was his moment in time.  He wanted to savor it forever.

A flash and automated click of a camera made him start and he opened his eyes.  A trio of young men, roughly his own age, beamed down at him.  One, the shortest of them all, held a seemingly too-large smartphone.  He had been the one to take the picture evidently.  Kelin's bright eyes went wide and he sat up straight.  Hera flinched beside him, looking around to see what had startled Kelin.

"Sup man?" asked the tallest of the three men.  He had combed-back brown hair underneath a black cap, a thick beard on his face, and a long nose.  His smile was confident and casual.  His clothes were mostly all black: a t-shirt, leather jacket, and jeans.  Old boots, stained by years of hard work and discolored by mud.  His knuckles had tattoos on them.

Kelin surged to his feet, beaming.  "Bryan!" he crowed and raced forward to trade grips with the taller man.  It transitioned from there, moving from just a hand-shake to a fist bump and then to a guy hug, slapping one another's backs.  "How the hell are you, man?!"

Bryan Taylor laughed, adjusting his baseball cap.  Emblazoned on the front in red was a band logo.  "Doing good!" he said in his usual, laid-back but excited voice.  "We had no idea you were in town!  How's big-city college life treating you?  We caught the family show, badass as always."  He flashed the rock-on sign.  Just like the logo on his hat, his knuckles spelled out "Into Dust".

"No way!" Kelin guffawed.  "College is good!  Graduation's next summer."  He turned to eye the next member of the trio.  "Dylan!"  He reached out for a handshake and was pulled into a crushing hug by the only slightly shorter man.

Dylan Norris was a lanky man, wearing a grey beanie that had several loose strands and more than a few holes poked into it.  His long, reddish hair hung around his face, partially obscuring it, save for his heavily freckled nose and big-toothed grin.  His denim jacket had been torn in several spots and repaired just as many.  Rings glittered on his fingers and his pants were in much the same state as his top.  His Air Jordans were probably the nicest part of his outfit, looking moderately new.  His father worked at a Shoe Outlet store so he always had nice footwear.  Kelin's current pair had even come from there.

"Kelin..." the man drawled out, still hugging around his friend hard.  "What is up, dude?"  His voice, as ever, was long and drawn out, sounding half-asleep.  For once, he didn't smell like pot, but he still acted like he was perpetually riding high.  It didn't make him a bad person; Dylan was actually the most well-spoken, deep-thinking, and loving person one could possibly imagine.  Still, he had a bit of a reputation amongst others that he was just another pot-head, and he never worked very hard to dispel such an image.  No one needed to know that amongst the four of them, he had the only 4.0 GPA throughout the entirety of their high school career, even if everything he turned in was almost always borderline late.  His end of the year speech, somehow nominated as class valedictorian, had been about the dangers of denying self-love and personal acceptance.  More than a few people had actually been moved to tears.  And then Dylan had fallen off the stage from performing a bow.

Kelin extricated himself from the hug, laughing.  "Dude, what are you on?" he asked, adjusting his own clothes.  He glanced away from him and finally over toward the shortest of the group, the one who had taken the picture.  "Jeremy?  Is that really you?!"  He reached forward and yanked the slender man into his arms and up off his feet without preamble.

Jeremy Micheals gave a grunt, nasally voice sounding squashed.  "Put me down, you weirdo!" he commanded.  "I shall smite you if you don't!"  The others laughed.  Kelin did so and he brushed off his oversized appearing shirt, bearing a ferocious-looking superheroine on it from a franchise Kelin wasn't as familiar with.  "Honestly, you three are so huggy, it's weird!  People are gonna get the wrong idea about it one of these days."  Even as he adjusted his freely hanging hair, blonde, he tried hard to hide the excited grin on his face.  He had a big smile, high cheekbones, and heterochromatic eyes, one green and one blue.  He wasn't wearing his glasses today so the differently colored orbs stood out all the more in his perpetually young and innocent face.  While the rest of them had grown and matured, looking their ages or some slightly older, like Bryan, Jeremy always looked like he had reached his peak at 16 and just stopped, despite that he was actually the oldest of them all, but only by a few months.

Kelin beamed at the three of them, then started as something brushed his back.  He looked back at a curious but shy-seeming Hera, and immediately he felt a pang of guilt.  He quickly addressed it by gesturing grandly at the three men in front of him.  "Where are my manners?" he asked.  "Hera, these are my posse!  Boys, this is my girlfriend, Hera Doring."

"Posse?" she asked, smiling a bit and then glanced at each of the three evenly.  She seemed to glow at his open announcement of her identity.  For their part, each of them had a varying reaction that Kelin had to fight hard not to snort at in amusement.  Bryan's eyes went a bit wide but he remained as relaxed as ever; hardly anything shook the rock artist.  Dylan just grinned and flicked his hands up in a peace sign.  Jeremy's eyes went as round as dinner plates as he stared up at her.   Bryan broke the silence first and held out a tattooed hand to shake Hera's paw, unaware of the Anthro greeting but Hera didn't seem to mind.

"Eh, we're just a local band of troublemakers who make no trouble," he replied cheekily, grinning through his beard up at the tall Ursid.  "Bryan Taylor."

Dylan was next, offering his wrist up rather than going for a handshake as Bryan had.  Hera chuckled but instead just enveloped his hand in her paw.  Dylan took the invitation and just stepped forward to hug her, making Hera bristle in surprise for a second before she began to laugh as well.  Dylan had never known a stranger.

"What is up!" he chortled up at her through his thick obscuring hair.  "Wow, you are, like, super tall!  That is awesome!  Ursid ares, hora?"

Hera's eyes went wide again as they both stepped back from the hug.  She looked from him to Kelin and back.  "Where did you learn Andra?" she asked in amazement.  She switched to the universal Anthro language seamlessly.  "Hor, Ursid aredes yos.  Voshi?"

Kelin's eyebrows shot up as Dylan returned the greeting and actually exposed his throat, combing his hair away from his face slightly to do so.  "Learned it from Mr. Livings, among other sources," he said, switching back to English.  "I've studied a lot of languages in school.  Love is best spread when everyone knows what you're saying.  Still, hugs are pretty universal."

The boys all laughed, Hera casting a curious gaze down at Kelin.  He explained.  "Dylan's what you'd call a 'child of the world'.  He's convinced that if everyone learned to love each other more, we could stop all war.  How he thinks we can get to that though, he hasn't quite figured out yet.  His personal solution isn't exactly socially acceptable."  He cast a teasing eye over at the pothead.

For his part, Dylan just snorted.  "Peace and love man, it's in our base natures to want to avoid conflict.  If everyone would just calm down about consumables and mellow out, this world would be a lot better off."

Hera smiled brightly at that.  "I like way you think, Dylan.  Although am confused on what kind of edibles you is meaning."

The other three of them responded at the same time.  "THC."

Hera glanced at them all, furrowing her brows before it clicked and her ears wiggled.  "Oh!  Ok.  Have tried those before but it takes far too much to affect Anthros.  We have our own version but it is mostly a relaxing sedative than anything."

Dylan's eyes sparkled beneath his mop of hair.  "I gotta try one!"

Hera winced, chuckling, and Kelin jumped in.  He had studied some stuff about them in an elective class about Anthro Health and Physiology.  "I wouldn't recommend it, dude," he advised.  "It isn't a recreational drug.  It's more to dull or sedate when the subject is suffering from an over-active Aggression gland.  It helps their chemical imbalance level out to a safer amount before they can take more specialized medicine.  I have no idea what it would do to a Human."

Dylan begrudgingly nodded.  "Fair, I guess.  Dylan Norris," he continued, adjusting his beaten-up beanie.  "Got a question for you though, Ms. Bear."

Hera nodded immediately.  "What can I help with?"

"I hear Ursid are strong, like, almost the strongest of all Anthros.  That true?"  Hera shrugged modestly.  "I want a full force hug!"  He beamed up at her, eyes sparkling again.  "I always wondered what it would feel like.  No pressure or anything, and Kelin, obvs, no obligation or weirdness implied.  Don't mean to seem like I'm edging in on your girlfriend."

Kelin glanced up at Hera.  "I...don't mind, since it's you Dylan, but that's entirely up to Hera."  She looked at him, surprised.  "Sorry," he chuckled.  "He's just...like this.  You don't have to if you aren't comfortable with it."

Hera looked back to Dylan then grinned, actually showing the tip of one long tooth.  "I would not want to actually crush you," she chuckled, eyes sparkling with only the tiniest hit of implied danger.  "Even Kelin has only ever gotten 50% strength hug, and that was before I returned to lifting at maximum after cleared from therapy.  I can give...close to that."

Dylan rubbed his hands together while the other three took wary steps back.  "All right!" he guffawed and then spread his arms wide.  "Bucket list!"

Jeremy wordlessly lifted his phone.  When Kelin glanced at him, he just grinned.  "For posterity," he commented.  "If he's admitted to the hospital, they'll want the video evidence."  The others laughed and Hera joined in.

Stepping forward, Hera reached down and slowly wound her arms around Dylan's middle.  At his eager nod, she lifted him up off the ground, head level with hers, and then her arms noticeably tightened.  Dylan's eyes nearly popped out of his skull, face quickly turning beet red and his grin going even wider.  There were several loud pops from his back and he gave out a rattling laugh.  "A-a-a-awesome!" he vibrated out.  "F-f-f-full thrusters...g-g-go!" He threw his arms up above his head, fists clenched.

Hera broke, laughing hard and startling several nearby museum-goers.  "I think this is safe limit," she said, quickly lowering her voice and relaxing her arms.  She placed Dylan back down on his feet, where the red-haired boy weaved around as if drunk for several seconds before righting himself.  "You are all right?" she asked, seeming half worried, half amused.

Dylan let out panting gasps, now leaned over with his hands on the knees of his ripped-jeans.  "So...good..." he grunted after several more inhales for breath.  "That...was...epic."  He stood back up straight again, groaning and rubbing his back.  "Forget the chiropractor, just hire an Ursid!  That felt great!"

The group of them laughed more and Bryan, spotting Kelin's look, nodded and smacked Dylan on the back of his head, tugging his beanie more over his face while he did so.  "Dumbass," he chortled.  The two began a poke-fight while Hera turned to inspect the last of Kelin's friends.

Jeremy swallowed a bit, taking a small step back but then flinching when he saw her ears lower in concern.  "Sorry," he apologized profusely, stepping back forward and holding out a graceful hand.  "Jeremy Micheal."  Hera returned the handshake.

Kelin stepped forward then.  The other two had ceased horsing around and they all gathered together around the bench where he and Hera had been sitting.  "So, what are you all up to?" he asked, leaning back and worming his hand into Hera's paw.  She gripped it happily.

Bryan motioned with a thumb over his shoulder at Jeremy.  "Jer's work called him in to take pictures of the show and the new display.  We followed him because we didn't have anything else better to do."

Kelin looked over toward Jeremy happily.  "How's the job going?" he asked.

Jeremy shrugged, looking disheartened.  "Boss is downsizing a lot.  This is probably my last project before I'm out of work.  I'll have to take a job working at Maulmart or something.  Not looking forward to it but I figured I'd get some good shots in for everything the studio's given me the chance to do.  I've really expanded my skills at photography."

Wincing, Kelin nodded.  "Ouch, I'm sorry man.  Have you looked into going to college for it?  A degree might help you find a real journalism job in a bigger city."

"Mr. Conners would never pay for it," Jeremy grunted, eyes becoming withdrawn and sullen.  "I've looked into student loans at LCCC but tuition is just so high.  Plus the commute would kill Mom to have me so far away."  Everyone winced, Kelin especially.

"What about Arknought?" announced Hera, probably wanting to be helpful.  They all looked up at her and she flushed, fur going bushier.

Kelin beamed.  "That's a great idea!" he said.  "Thanks, babe!"  Hera preened herself immediately at his praise.  He looked excitedly back towards Jeremy.  "Have you tried applying to Arknought's Transfer system?  Your grades are definitely good enough for it and they have tons of diplomas and scholarships available!  The counselors there always work with me when I need to and the loans they offer are actually really affordable to pay off!"

Jeremy blinked in surprise.  "Really?" he asked, voice warily hopeful.  "How...do I do that then?  Arknought isn't that far...you go there...but how bad is it about the extracurricular and standard requirements?  I cannot stand the idea of having to take two entire years of just the basic course work for stuff I'll never use."

Kelin shook his head.  "Dude, I'm graduating next summer, and I haven't exactly been gone all that long!" he explained excitedly.  "Arknought University doesn't enforce the basic course work, they're an elective and specialized college paid for by the City and their own government.  Tuition is especially great right now for Humans since they're trying to encourage Interspecies Integration!"  He pulled out his phone and let go of Hera's paw, crossing over to the shorter man to show him the school's webpage.  "So then you click on here," he explained.  "And here, Open Enrollment and then Transfers!"  He handed over the phone and let Jeremy peruse it while he looked back at the other two.  "What about you guys?"

Bryan grinned.  "The Youtube Channel and my work with the folks take up most of my time.  I just got a new studio built out of a portable shed.  It's legit now, man."  He pulled out his own phone and handed it over, letting Kelin look over a series of pictures of a very well-made sound and recording studio.  Hera leaned over his shoulder to look as well.

The Ursid's ears wiggled excitedly.  "You are musician as well?  You have Youtube channel?"

Kelin handed back the phone and beamed up at her.  "Bryan's who got me into using Youtube, and honestly who encouraged me to pursue a career actively in music and video editing.  I wouldn't have applied to Arknought if it weren't for him."

Hera's eyes went wide and she looked immediately over to Bryan.  Her gaze softened and she beamed.  "You are who I have to thank for meeting Kelin then," she murmured.  "You may have hug anytime you want."

Grinning back just as wide, Bryan held out a hand to bump fists with her.  "Hey, anytime.  I'm just glad to see my brother here so happy."  He motioned with a jerk of his head and she leaned down to hear him speak softer up to her.  "You know about his ex right?"  She nodded.  "He took it really hard, I was worried about him for a long time.  I tried to get him to branch out and get excited about something else but even then I didn't think it would be enough.  Kelin's been there for me in some rough spots and I always will have his back.  You seem like a badass but awesome chick, so you wanna pay me back for sending him your way?  Just take good care of him."

Hera nodded and then both of them looked back at Kelin who stood there, crossing his arms and pretending to look annoyed.  "You guys know I could hear you, right?" he asked.  "Maybe next time you wanna have a secret conversation, try stepping farther away."  Even so, he could not keep a smile off his face, nor the bright red flush.

The two of them laughed and then all three looked toward Dylan, who was reading a nearby placard.  Detailing a World War 1 soldier uniform, he was shaking his head as he inspected it.  "Whole lotta bummer energy," he commented.  "How many of you guys even wanted to go across the world to where you were and fight for some cause you had no standing in?"  He sighed and looked back at the rest of them.  "Wassup?" he asked, grinning lazily again.

"Still no luck convincing him to take a job huh?" Kelin asked, looking back at Bryan.

Bryan shook his head.  "He's...how did you like putting it, Dill?"

"I am currently on extended sabbatical from my last job with no interest in renewal of my contract," quipped Dylan.   "They took objection to my attempts at improving quarterly visitation and workplace morale by introducing alternative seasonings and vegan food choices to the menu, thus encouraging a wider dining basis amongst prospective customers."

"Short speak," translated Bryan.  "He and Crimson-Crustacean are not on speaking terms.  Probably should have seen it coming."  Hera snorted in laughter and the others were quick to join in.

Looking back at Jeremy, who was frantically typing stuff into his phone, Kelin crossed back over to him.  "Like what you see?" he asked, then grinned.  "Application pending?" he asked incredulously.  He looked up with a smile into Jeremy's face then blinked in surprise.  It was scrunched up with anger, small tears hanging in the corners of his dual-colored eyes.  "Dude, everything ok?" he asked in concern.

Jeremy shook his head.  "Mr. Conners," he began, voice strained.  "Did not think I was a good enough applicant to apply for A.U.  I'd sent the application to my mom to see if she would sign it, but he apparently talked her into saying no.  I even did the research, looked up tuition rates and compared them to loan payments.  I could do it!  The grant even says that it pays for most costs and I cover the remaining ones!"  He looked up into Kelin's face, his eyes watering more.  "But he refused, and the application says I need an adult who will legally sign the waivers for me to attend.  Mom is now convinced it's too dangerous for a Human to go to an Anthro College, and Mr. Conners that I wouldn't make it."

Kelin sighed and without a word tugged Jeremy into a hug against his shoulder.  Jeremy protested without much energy and he patted the smaller man's back.  "I'm sorry man," he said.  "I don't suppose I can help somehow?"

"Not unless you know someone who can legally agree to be responsible for me to transfer, and to cover the costs of the health insurance they say is mandatory" Jeremy muttered.

Glancing back over his shoulder at the others, who looked concerned, his eyes traveled up to Hera.  Her gentle smile and sparklingly warm eyes made his chest swell.  He patted Jeremy's back.  "Why don't we go talk to my folks?" he asked.  "Maybe we could work something out!  You're practically family already, dude."

Jeremy leaned back from the hug, eyes wide.  "Kel, I can't ask you to do that!" he protested, face screwed up between hope and self-defeat.

Kelin would hear nothing of it.  He slung an arm over his friend's slender shoulders and began walking off, half-dragging Jeremy with him before the boy got his feet under him and began walking as well.  "Come on, my family should be at the latest display.  We can talk to them there."  The others were quick to fall in behind the pair.  Glancing back, he saw all three hurriedly hide proud smiles.  His ears glowed a bit but he turned his attention back to his brother in arms.  "So!  How's that game idea you've been working on?  Gotten much playtesting for the system down yet?"

Always eager to talk about his game, Jeremy piped up, face brightening.  "Caymor?  Oh yeah, I've gotten loads of conversion work done!   Bryan and Dylan have probably gotten sick of rolling new characters to test balancing but it's beginning to flow a bit better!  It's going through a writing hiatus right now though, and we're all back to DND to help me pace out the first campaign using those rules before I convert them to mine."

Kelin beamed.  "Awesome!  I haven't played in so long..."

"Why are you back, exactly?" popped up Dylan then, striding up closer to them and grinning underneath his mop of hair.  "Not saying we aren't all jazzed to see you, dude, but what's the occasion?"

"Parents wanted me back for my birthday to celebrate," answered Kelin over his shoulder.  "Then they roped me into the show.  No idea how well it all turned out but I've gotten some...reviews already," he winked back at Hera who beamed.

"A for effort," Bryan chuckled.  "and A for...well pretty much anything.  Nobody puts on a show like your family, dude.  You guys could go on Broadway."

"No thanks," groaned Kelin.  "Those events and shows are such a hassle.  Doing these with my family has always been a system of 'if it isn't fun, there's no point to do it'.  Besides, I mainly only agreed so that Hera might finally realize how insane her boyfriend's family is.  I figured she deserved the truth so that she can make the logical choice herself and run."

Hera growled.  "I am staying just where I am, Little Tyr," she teased him.  The other three boys laughed as his face went a bit red at the nickname.

Having made their way through the museum, past various crowds and numerous displays, they came finally in sight of the West Wing.  Mostly dedicated to more ancient themed items and content, it ranged from medieval weaponry to Aztec construction methods, even an alcove dedicated to the entire Egyptian pantheon with carved statues of every single primary god or goddess known to that culture.  They paused at various points so that Jeremy could take photos of the biggest and most impressive pieces.

He paused specifically at the statue of a Lion-headed Egyptian goddess, looking up at it reverently.  "Don't know why," he breathed.  "But Lions are so damn cool...How do you say her name again?  Sekhmet?"

"Lion Goddess of War and Healing," read off Bryan from the placard underneath the onyx figure.  "Sekhmet, also known as Sachmis.  She was known as a protector of the Pharaohs and led them in battle."

Hera crossed her arms, looking awed as well by the impressive statue.  "I've known Lions in Army and some outside of it.  Always impressive, very noble, and proud.  Good friends to have, also bad enemies.  Never could understand their Prides though."

"Prides?" asked Jeremy.  All four young men looked up at the Ursid with interest.

Not comfortable being the center of attention, even now, Hera still remained composed.  "Ever since Primal days, Leonid always have remained in tight-knit social groups called Prides.  Odd to describe for non-Anthros especially, given that they typically have one or two Males and lots of Females.  Females often take turns dating the Males but that practice is becoming more and more uncommon."

Kelin frowned, not liking that kind of arrangement.  The others looked disapproving as well.  "I...guess?" Bryan said a few moments later, scratching at his beard.  "I mean it sounds like a polygamous relationship among Humans, or an open one maybe.  Still, not my game."  Everyone nodded in affirmation of the same.  Hera did as well.

A clamor from farther up ahead drew their collective attention.  Easily seen through the modest throng of onlookers, Mr. Livings' bulky frame was shaking hands with Theo Leod atop of a platform.  They stood in front of a massive structure, a stone obelisk reminiscent of one from one of the many Celtic ruins found in Northern Ireland.  They posed for several pictures, the rest of the Leod family hanging back slightly away from the crowd of people taking photos or reading the placard.  Kelin motioned for the others to follow him and they wove their way through the people between them and his family.

Ingrid's eyes went bright and wide when she saw them approaching and she waved.  Right on queue, the rest of the Leod Clan did the same.  Kelin excused himself as he passed another small crowd of onlookers, arriving just as Theo was climbing down from the stage and Mr. Livings had opened the floor for questions.  "Kelin!" she said jubilantly, reaching in for a hug.  He hugged back, even though they had just barely seen each other an hour ago.  "Boys!" she cried then, looking over his shoulder at his friends.

"Hello, Mrs. Leod," replied Bryan, waving.

"Ingrid," drawled Dylan, stepping forward to hug her.  She happily returned it, then insisted on combing the hair back out of his face.

"You're such a handsome boy," she chastised him.  "Why don't you comb your hair back?"

"Sorry," he replied, grinning the whole time as she swept off his beanie and then placed it back over his now more ruley head of curly red locks.  When she wasn't looking, he reached up inside of it and pulled out a couple of strands to hang over one eye.

"And Mr. Micheal!" she exclaimed, at last, turning to eye Jeremy up and down.  She bowed her head to him, for once having someone shorter than her to do so with, looking a tad stiffer with him than the other two.  "I trust you're doing well this day?"

Jeremy inclined his head back, smiling thankfully.  Hera leaned down towards Kelin, whispering, "Does Ingrid not like Jeremy as much?"

"No, why would you say that?" asked Kelin, bewildered.

"She calls him Mr. Micheal rather than first name," she observed.

Kelin sighed.  "Jeremy's last name is Micheal, like his dad.  His real dad died a long time ago and his mother remarried a few years ago to a Navy guy named Conners.  They have never gotten along, and Jeremy insists on using his real dad's last name rather than going by his step-dad's, like his brother and mother do.  Mom really worries about Jeremy, coming from a home like that.  He has a ton of issues already with his height and stuff from the past, so she wants to give him as professional and respectful a treatment as she can to let him know she supports him.  He's been my best friend since I was really young."

Hera nodded, looking over at Jeremy who was now being fussed over by Ingrid and Idona.  The two women were trying to pick stray threads off of his over-sized shirt, and the Leod boys were striking up happy conversations with Dylan and Bryan.  "May I ask other question?"  Kelin nodded.  "Why did Jeremy flinch when he met me?"

Wincing, Kelin explained, trying to find the kindest way to say it and not feel guilty talking about someone else's past.  "A few years back, Jeremy was being picked on ruthlessly at his old school by a bunch of Anthro students.  It was right after the Integration Act had gone into effect and various students were pulled to try a semester in the Districts.  It kind of traumatized him, what with everything he went through, and he's always been a bit jumpy around Anthros.  He's only now starting to get better about it all.  He's bipolar as well, so his quirks make him feel...lonely a lot of the time.  I've always done whatever I can to make him feel welcome, and so does my family."

Hera's eyes softened and she looked over towards a now flustered Jeremy who seemed rapidly becoming uneasy about something.  He kept glancing at his phone and back up over and over even while trying to stay in polite conversation with Mrs. Leod who seemingly hadn't noticed yet.  "He has the Scent, so in a way, I understand the issues.  Poor thing," she sighed.

He blinked.  "What's the Scent?"

"Scent is term for Human whose natural pheromones are hardest for Anthros to adapt to.  Can cause spikes in Aggression.  Not always smell-based either.  You say he was always jumpy around us?  Bipolar?  That kind of thing can trigger certain instincts in Anthros: fight or flight you call it.  Tiny animal responses that can stack up to make him appear as..."

"Prey..." Kelin finished for her.  He looked over at Jeremy again.  "Just...don't...ever let him hear you say 'poor thing'," warned Kelin softly. "His self-confidence is like glass, and perceived pity always sets him off.  I never knew that about Humans having a Scent that could make Anthros like that.  Maybe we can talk to him about it if he does end up going to A.U?"

Hera nodded understandingly, and Kelin walked with her towards the main group of his family and friends.  Theo looked up from looking over something Bryan was showing him on his phone and he beamed.  "Kelin!" he barked, walking over.  "We missed you at the opening ceremony!  Your mother said something about showing Hera around; I wish you'd let me come along.  Hera, there are some stories I could tell you about half of the exhibits here."

Kelin waved him off.  "Dad, there's something I needed to talk to you about, concerning Jeremy."

Blinking in surprise, Theo immediately became more serious.  "What's wrong?"  Kelin filled him in. Stroking his short beard, Theo nodded.  "Lot of stuff wrong with that," he remarked.  "I feel like I need to have a talk with Jeremy's stepfather and give him a real eye into what he's doing to his step-son.  Degrading his self-esteem and denying him opportunities like this will do nothing good for him.  There's no bloody reason for it other than to just be a..."  He cut himself off, face having grown dark and fierce.  He sighed.  "What else was there, Kelin?"

Flushing, Kelin sighed.  "I...know it would be a lot but...is there something we can do, Dad?  Help him sign the papers somehow?  I know he's just a friend but I want to see him get out there and be allowed to find a job he has a passion for, not to mention getting away from home might actually do him some good; distance from his stepfather alone would help a lot."

Theo leaned back, crossing his arms.  "Being legally responsible for someone else's health insurance in a situation like this is a pretty tall order, Kelin," he warned.  "His mother might not appreciate me putting my foot into their family business like this."

"But Dad," began Kelin, but Theo raised a hand.

"I didn't say I wouldn't.  I agree, it's an amazing idea and I'm proud of you, and you Hera, for suggesting it to him.  A man finds his calling in seas away from his home, even if his home is where he returns to in the end.  I'd still like to talk about to him personally, between myself and your mother especially.  We love Jeremy, son, and if his own family won't help him realize his dreams, then gods damn it, I will."

Kelin's eyes glowed and he beamed up at his still glowering father.  "Thanks, dad," he said, voice a bit rough, and he hugged him.

Theo softened a touch.  "Doing the right thing doesn't need thanks, son," he intoned.  "Money is just a thing, I don't care what I need to use it for if it helps someone else.  Having money is my way of being able to give back to people like Jeremy who have had to learn to struggle without for long enough."  He hugged his son back hard and then stepped back at the same time Kelin did.  He stroked his beard again.  "Invite the boys to dinner," he advised.  "Your mother was intending to cook something anyway, and they're always welcome.  We can talk about it with him then, and you boys can have one of your gaming nights after."

Kelin grinned even wider, then turned his eyes up towards an approving Hera.  "Hope you like good Norse cooking," he announced.  "Because Mom cooks a mean steak."

Hera blinked.  "What, no pickled herring?" she joked, and the two Leod men laughed.  "Love a good steak," she announced and then leaned down to kiss Kelin on the cheek.

He kissed her nose, making her snort and him laugh at that.  "Sounds awesome, Hera," he replied warmly.  "The guys won't mind at all, knowing them."  He took her paw in his again and walked over to Jeremy and the other two.  "Hey, guys, dinner at my place.  Mom's gonna grill," he announced.  He saw that Theo was already talking to Ingrid and she seemed very serious about something, probably the actual reason for the event.  She glanced back at him, meeting his eyes, and she smiled.  His mother nodded, glancing then at Jeremy and away quickly.

"Hell yeah!" exclaimed Dylan.  "Feast at the Leods!"  Bryan smacked him for being so loud but eagerly accepted the offer as well.

Jeremy glanced down at his phone.  "I don't know...Mr. Conners said that I needed to come home earlier tonight and..."

A hand fell on the boy's shoulder, making him start, and Theo smiled down at him when he glanced back.  "I'll talk to your step-father and smooth it over," he promised.  "We would love to have our honorary sons over for Kelin's birthday dinner.  I even thought maybe you all could have one of your DND games down in the basement before and after.  Really enjoy yourselves, it's a day for big changes after all."  His eyes sparkled in that mysterious Leod way and Kelin understood exactly what he meant.

"Ok...?" Jeremy said nervously but smiling all the same.  "Awesome then!  Yeah!  Dinner and Dnd.  What a badass evening."  He looked up at Hera.  "You wanna play too?" he asked eagerly.  All eyes seemed to fall on Hera, making the Ursid woman wilt beside Kelin.  He winced, understanding why.

"Err..." she said, voice hesitant from the amount of attention suddenly having fallen upon her.  "Dnd is...Dragons and Dungeons, yes?" she glanced down at Kelin as if silently asking for help.

Kelin explained quickly.  "We all play. Have since we were young. Dad and Uncle Rolf even join in every now and then. Dad is by far our best dungeon master, but he is rarely not busy enough to do it, so Jeremy fills in.  Have you ever tried it?"

"Ahh...I have...never played," she admitted. "Is not very much availability to it in Russia while growing up, plus in Army definitely no idea of it. Only know media stuff. Natural Rolls, podcasts like that."

"Natural Rolls is a good show," he agreed, to which there was a variety of responses ranging from affirmative to dismissive. "But Dnd is a huge medium for modern-day tabletop fantasy and storytelling. Do you like to read that kind of stuff?"

She nodded, brightening up. "Oh, I have read much of fantasy. All kinds. Books were my life for many years while deployed. You can lose cell service but never the words on paper so long as you have bunk light and time. Even tried to write some myself, but never very good so got discouraged."

Jeremy jumped in.  "Well, Dnd is like writing a book with other people and a person, the Dungeon Master, who acts as the storyteller who tells you setting and events while you react with the who's and the what's and the why's. I'm even writing my own version of it in my spare time, and the others all help out by playtesting it.  Our table is always welcome to new players, and we'd love to have you!"  Jeremy's excitement was contagious to the others.  "That is unless you don't want to?"

She flushed, ears folding down and Kelin winced. "No, no, would love to!" she replied nervously. "But...have never played and I am worried would drag down everyone from having to be such beginner. I can just sit in and watch if that is okay?"

"Oh nonsense," scoffed Jeremy, waving her off.  "I always have time to indoctrinate others in the rules.  We can even draw up your first character in like no time flat!"

Kelin quickly stepped forward a pace, putting himself slightly between her and his friends and turning to face her directly so she only had to look at him.  He knew that Hera was beginning to feel crowded and cornered. While she was much more open and happy now, she still was not great with crowds or large groups of people.  He had seen evidence of it while they walked around the museum.  The sheer fact that he had become her safe space made him glow on the inside.  "You don't have to feel like you have to, I would obviously love you to play but if you feel too uncomfortable, you shouldn't feel like you're obligated to."

Hera seemed to relax as she saw he understood how she felt and smiled down at him warmly, stroking his cheek. "I am sorry, Kelin," she said softly. "I would love to try, just nervous. You obviously love it very much and anything my boyfriend enjoys so much I should give shot. Maybe I like, who knows?" She waited for him to smile back at her before she bopped his forehead with her cold nose.

Everyone "aww'd" at that and he beamed up at her.  "We can figure it out as we go this evening," he promised and everyone turned back to chatting excitedly.  He waved for her to lean down and he whispered up to her perked ear when she did so, "Sorry about that, didn't mean to somehow get you roped in.  It really is okay if you don't want to.  I'd hate to push my stuff onto you."

Soft lips brushed his ear and he shivered happily.  "I am happy so long as I am with you.  But it is okay if we have some different interests, my little Tyr. Still, would happily try out game with you if that is okay."

"Definitely," he whispered back and leaned back more to kiss her furry cheek.  The butterflies in his stomach clenched and whirled around in delight as he briefly smelled her natural smell, enhanced by the lingering scent of her body wash and shampoo.  It was like a fur rug someone had soaked in caramel, vanilla, and sandalwood.

"Well, if that's all settled," announced Rolf then, standing at the head of the party.  "Let's all get back to Leod Hall to unload our stuff, wash up, and prepare..."  His voice dropped then, becoming guttural, savage, and accented.  "Because Gorstag, Gorger of Dragon hearts, wishes to bathe in the blood of his enemies!" he snarled, jutting out his lower jaw and making a manic face.  He gave a growl then, walking off with deliberately over-dramatic stomps.  Several children giggled as he pulled savage, overly dramatic faces at them.  Everyone followed behind, laughing at the huge man's antics.

Hera blinked in shock at the abrupt transformation in the already boisterous Rolf's attitude.  "What is...Gorstag?" she asked, sounding equally nervous and amused.

"His character.  He plays a Half-Orc barbarian who gets us all into trouble constantly.  Kind of like real life," explained Kelin, laughing.  He took her paw once more, openly making sure everyone else around them saw the Human and the Anthro walking off as a loving couple.  He was proud of his girlfriend, of his family.    Her paw gripped him tightly and she gave him a warm, honey-glow gaze that once again set his stomach to dancing.  Tonight would be the best birthday celebration in his life.

*Special Thanks to Taylor Bryant for agreeing to be a cameo in this!*

*Author's Note: The Character, Jeremy Micheal, is dedicated to my best friend in the world, gone these last 12 years now. Some details have been changed but this is a loving dedication to a life so full of love and creativity cut short by a tragic accident. Jeremy, you are missed every day, but you will live forever in my mind for all the laughs and stories we shared and created together. Rest in Peace my brother.*

*Additional Author's Note: The Character, Bryan Taylor, is also a dedication to another real-life friend of mine, a musician named Taylor Bryant. I've plugged his Youtube channel before, but please do go check him out. He's fantastically talented! Taylor, if you ever read this, then I apologize only for making you 20 again lol. Keep on rocking! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTcNQpw9En4_UQp6w1NGWjQ *


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