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A Random Day  247 - At The Club Ready To Party (Bimbo TF)


I stood outside the club, feeling the cool night air on my skin as I gazed up at the building. I had always loved this place - the music was loud, the people were wild, and the drinks were strong. And tonight, I was going to experience it all in a whole new way.

With a sly smile spreading across my face, I reached out and lit a cigarette, taking a long drag before exhaling slowly. My eyes flickered upwards, watching as the crowds poured into the club. It was going to be a great night.

I pushed through the doors and slipped inside, letting the pulsating beat wash over me. I felt alive, free, and ready to take on the world. Or at least, the club.

As I made my way to the bar, I couldn't help but notice the sea of silicone and fake smiles that surrounded me. Big busted bimbos were everywhere, all vying for attention from the guys who thought they could buy them a drink (or ten). Ugh, how boring.

But not me. Oh no, I had plans. Plans that didn't involve some sleazy guy hitting on me because of my looks and being a complete ditzy. With a mischievous glint in my eye, I focused inward, reaching deep within myself to summon my special gift and with a bright pink flash my body began to morph.

As bright pink flash illuminated my body, outlining every curve, every contour, every inch of me in neon light. It tingled, then burned, before finally manifesting itself in the most dramatic fashion. My chest expanded, my hips widened, and my hair transformed from dark brown to brilliant blonde.

Now, I was their attention-grabbing Bimbo Queen. Now, I would see if these guys could handle what I had become.

And besides, who needs a drink when you're already worth more than any cocktail? Wink, wink, boys.

I sauntered up to the bar, my heels clicking on the floor, my hips swaying seductively. Bartender, get me a strawberry lemonade vodka stat! I'm ready to shake off the night away!

It didn't take long till I was on the dance floor and all eyes were on me, even the bimbos were watching me with envy and lust, I was their queen at this point.


Thanks for all the Support, Favs, and Follows 💖



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