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I repeated into the Mumble-Mug, "that one of my coven members is actually a Changeling."

"Are you sure?" Ash demanded.  "Is there evidence?  Did you test this?"

"There's evidence," I declared.  "She can use elfmind.  She was able to perform a simple Sparkle Glamer entirely on her own without any lessons, and she believes she had a dream where she was personally blessed by Lady Fuma Herself."

"A holy vision, huh," Ash mused, somewhat incredulously.  "Using elfmind and magick without aid ... those are big indicators.  Has she slept recently?"

"I thought there wasn't time for chit-chat," I remarked smugly.

"Humor me," Ash said without a trace of condescension.  "If you intend for this femme to be the linchpin of your plan, then the information is relevant."

"It's been at least a day and a half since she last slept," I reported.  "No sign of the fatigue that would have struck a lowfolk by now."

"Where did this Changeling come from?" Ash pressed.  "Which coven member is she specifically?"

"Why the interrogation?" I chuckled, despite a cold misgiving that was starting to creep over me.  "I thought this was about the trial."

"Why you littl-" Ash started to blurt, then stopped himself.  "Ahem, yes, you have a point.  This line of questioning will be best left until after the trial.  But rest assured this is a matter which we will discuss."

My uneasiness intensified.  I should not have mentioned the Changeling to Ash.  The last thing I needed would be him him trying to twist her head around with Unseelie propaganda ... or something even more insidious.  I made a mental note to be extra careful with Rebecca in the future.

"If this Changeling were already an experienced elf," Ash resumed after realizing I wasn't going to say anything, "she would have no problem making people believe she was Didelphis without actually telling a lie.  Additionally I would recommend using a glamer instead of transmogrification.  It's just as effective on lowfolk, but much simpler and a lot safer.  Is the Changeling the only one who can do a good Didelphis impersonation?  I would have assumed that everyone in the old crone's coven would know her well enough to pull it off, especially with magickal assistance."

"Hold on, I'll ask," I said, and let go of the Mumble-Mug string so he wouldn't be able to hear me talk to the witches.  Now he had me questioning my plan, and I realized it was definitely a bad idea to send Rebecca.

"Ash is telling me some stuff that, uh, changes things," I announced.  "It's too risky for Rebecca.  Do any of you volunteer to go into town, disguised as Didelphis?"

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Send Burnside. Even if she completely loses her temper with all that ent(r)ails, she'll still make a fairly convincing Didelphis.


>Burnside: You immediately perk up and raise your hand. You volunteer for this dangerous deep cover mission. For the good of the cause (but mostly just to impress Adler) you will valiantly place your life on the line. >Adler: Uhhhh. You beseechingly look at the other three. >Gretchen: You begin panicking and beg Adler not to send you out there. That angry mob almost killed you and petunia. It was the single most terrifying thing you've ever experienced. >Adler: Okay, she panics easily. She's a no-go, what about Petunia? >Petunia: "I mean, I could do it, maybe, but I'd rather, like, get some payback or whatever." >Adler: She's a bit... low energy. Her manner of speech doesn't match up. What about Chloe? She can fly if things go south. >Chloe: O-oh! You could. You've known Didelphis for a while. I-it's just that you've never done anything like this before. And what if- what if you make a mistake and get everyone killed! >Adler: Well, she's not panicking, but her nervousness does not make you confident she'll be able to hold up under scrutiny. >Rebecca: Is Adler absolutely sure you wouldn't be able to do it? You could be able to pose as Didelphis without lying if you practice at it. You have two days. >Burnside: Oh, enough of this! Is Adler really going to send these little girls out to do a woman's job? >Rebecca: Is she seriously calling the rest of you little? >Burnside: Watch it... Anyway, You've done stuff like this before. You are an experienced agent. Believe it or not, you are capable of tact and subtlety, it's just not your first choice. It's just a disaster waiting to happen if he sends any of these greenhorns out on a mission with no training in anything. >Adler: Didelphis has distinct mannerisms and traits she'd have to mimic. Burnside has only met her once. >Burnside: What's there to know? That old crone only has four personality traits: she's proud of being old and ugly, she's obsessed with baking, she cackles constantly, and she hates Oonagh. >Adler: What if they ask her about Didelphis's past? >Burnside: Well shoot, Adler's been teaching Rebecca how to use elfmind, now's a good time to put it to use. Adler can glamour her to look like a random townie and she can feed you the answers mentally. >Rebecca: Yes! That's an excellent idea! >Adler: Huh... Well, that might actually work. You ask them to give you a moment and you tug on the string again. >Ash: Has he found someone else? >Adler: Burnside has volunteered. >Ash: Excellent choice! >Adler: Now hold on, you can explain- Wait, really?