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I demanded.  "I am looking for a specific skunk femme, an elf of noble blood - and you, madam, are not her.  However you have a useful skill set so I hired you instead of sending you away.  Oak is my high priestess, plus I transmogrified her some years ago, so it would be sort of weird to get intimately involved."

"Oh, your lordship, you can just admit it," Vernier scoffed.

"Sure," Oak piped up.  "There's nothing wrong with being .. That Way."

"SO!" I exclaimed.  "YOU DOUBT MY ELFLINESS EH??"

I quickly reached out and gave Vernier a dose of my legendary Orgasmic Touch.

"GREAT AAUUUUUUK," she burbled happily as she slowly collapsed onto the grass.

"Do you need some of this too?" I asked, turning to Oak.

"Uhh," she stalled.  "I admit I'm intrigued, but you're right, it would be weird."

There was a rustle atop the dolmen as Angela squealed "DONT 4GET MEEEE" before her fellow Ixies could subdue her.

"What was that?" Oak asked, glancing around.

"Nothing important," I snapped.  "You were going to tell me about your uncle Ash."

"Recruiting for the cult would have been a lot easier if we had known about your orgasmic touch," Oak muttered thoughtfully.

"Never mind that!" I insisted.  "Tell me about Ash!  What sort of person is he?"

"He always impressed me as a fun-loving sort.  He operated the tavern because he enjoyed being around people."

"How old is he?"

"I have no idea.  He's been around for as long as I can remember, and it seems like he's been the same age the whole time.  If I had to guess I'd say he was a very spry sixty."

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you know just because he can make a woman get off doesnt mean hes straight you know. If hes not getting anything out of it,it leaves you to wonder a little bit. A chef can cook food he doesnt like to eat ;)

Simone Spinozzi

i have this inkling that Adler would like to "eat" a female skunk. Okay maybe not at the same level of a human being would (he seemed interested but always lost interest after a little) buuuut i guess that's what you get for having a body able to turn 600

Simone Spinozzi

hmmm... that tavern dude... if he's foxy... we might now know where is a certain somebody in these days... 🤣


I don't really think Addler is in general super interested in sex most of the time. He did have a rather traumatic training session with a certain evil spider while he was still young and most everyone around him uses sex as a tool or is controlled by someone else using sex as a tool. It seems like it would be worth sending an ixie to tag along with Oak and establish contact with this fun loving uncle, unless he is willing to talk opening with Oak but that seems unlikely and its probably not the best idea to get her too involved in elf business.