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one of the group exclaimed as they stomped through the bushes.

"I had heard stories that this place existed, but I never fully believed them," another murmured in tones of wonder.

Well, this was my moment.

"WELCOME, DISCIPLES," I bellowed, as a few butterflies fluttered around me.  Confound it!  The swarm had been much more impressive when we were rehearsing!

"Oh hey there fella," the male of the group called up to me.  "We're looking for Lord Ramble the majestic hair elf.  Do you know where he is?"

"That's him, Toby," Oak whispered.

"Really?  That guy??"

"Yes!  I told you to keep your expectations low!"

"I AM HE WHO IS KNOWN AS LORD RAMBLE," I intoned, trying to ignore their dispiriting exchange.  "YOU NEED SEEK NO FURTHER!  WELCOME TO MY SANCTUM."

"Whatever you did to the forest, My Lord," Oak declared at me, "I thank you.  It was much easier getting here than it was the last time."

Whatever she was going to say next was interrupted by someone shouting "WITCHES!!" from somewhere just beyond the edge of the circle.

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(I like the Veronica Lake look of one of the femmes.)

Walter Reimer

And the Rabbits arrive!

Simone Spinozzi

neat... but why is that cat covering also her nose with her hair? EDIT: sorry for a second i forgot when what last time "LORD RAMBLE"™ had a <b><u>decent</u></b> shower.