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Angela squeaked.  "I think I totes know this guy & it will B super awkward if he recognizes me!  L8R, Adler."  She fluttered away behind me.

I too recognized Adoyret Sam, but did he know that I knew who he was?  Either way, he was undoubtedly here on a sinister mission on behalf of whatever remained of the Vulpitanian government.  Assassination perhaps?  I needed to hide!

I stuffed the plate of food into my Elfintory and dashed behind the dolmen mound, where I crouched down and started thinking of mushrooms.

"Pick another hiding place!" Angela whispered from a tuft of grass.  "I already got this 1!  Or @ teh very leest U should strip down, Bcause who ever herd of a mushroom w/ clothes on?"

I didn't have time to consider this, nor ask how she could see me, before the Adoyret poked his head around the side of the mound.

"Now just embarrassing this is," he muttered.  "Completely see you, I can.  Up from there you must get."

"No way," I muttered in what I hoped was a mushroom voice.  "How could you possibly have noticed me?"

"Ham, all is," Sam declared.  "In the light of the Ham-Seeing Eye, like a sore thumb mushrooms stick out.  Especially wearing clothes."

"Told U," Angela whispered.  "U should of stripped."

"Only in your Fauxfox disguise," Sam muttered, looking around suspiciously.  "SALV Weakflit I hear, but see I do not.  Abandoned her mission, we assumed she had."

What was he insinuating??  Was he suggesting that Angela was a Vulpitanian agent?

"ALL RIGHT!" I yelled, jumping to my feet.  "ENOUGH FUN AND GAMES!  I can guess why you're here, Sam!  Either to kill me or manipulate me .. but what if I manipulate YOU first?"

I proceeded to run in circles around him, waving my hands in a bewildering manner and projecting my Elfmind as hard as I could.


"This foolishness, cease at once!" Sam barked.  He reached out, and with one deft motion snatched the false mustache off of my face.  I stopped, mid-caper, and stared at him in shock.  What had I been doing?  What madness had overtaken me?

"That SALV Weakflit was indeed here, this mustache proves," Sam said, as he wagged the item scoldingly at me.  "But to the Ham-Seeing Eye, The Plan reveals much which to the lowland SALVs it does not.  Still vital to The Plan you are, Adler.  Bumble you must not!  Flail like a nincompoop you must not!  So, teach you I will!  Learn to fight you must.  Learn to influence lowfolk you must.  Get started right away we shall!"

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Simone Spinozzi

So foxes do bark. 🤔🤔🤔🤔 Also... at least this explains stuff. We should be very near to around the time when Zandar got swindled.

Joel Kreissman

So she does still have teeth