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Robots!  You can't put clothes on them!



Simone Spinozzi

Don't you just hate it when people think their art is better because it does not feature nudity... and they break your robots because of their idea? Poor Philo! She needs to be avenged! Let's ban clothing!


sounds like faulty design to me

Terri Mouse

But, wait, doesn't Robota wear a maid uniform pretty much at all times? She doesn't seem to break down or overheat THAT frequently. She just needs to be, y'know, "recharged" periodically.


At first glance, a clothing ban sounds like a good idea .. but if you think about it you'll realize there are problems.


True, but Robota is a futuristic science-fiction device, far in advance of a clockwork automaton like Philomela or even a gasoline-burning fembot like ChevroLay.

Terri Mouse

Fair Enough™. I was just looking at the broad picture, personally.