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Anthropomorphic bunny: okay. Anthropomorphic buck: okay. Anthropomorphic panda: impossible. Yzod, you crazy!

Simone Spinozzi

Welll i've never actually seen you discuss which animals can be anthro and which cannot... sooo... Also: Gouhin is best panda. Fight him (don't fight me).

Walter Reimer

So Yzod's an unholy combination of little girl, skunk and the Pittsburgh Penguins equipment locker?


Shhh, we don't talk about that.


so thats why she has only the one eye patch? shes only half anthro and half human? Is there more mixed genetics hidden in the old cast?


Careful, that's awfully close to the ..ahem.. "Stocky hick" slur which is nothing but pure Yzodophobic hate-speech!


Correct, that's why she has only one eye spot and her body fur is completely white (no black markings except her tail). I can't remember if any of the other cast are hybrids. Only one I can think of is Timmy the Skuncoon but he was never a major character.