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Just now I posted a Doodle Club doodle in which the Duchess's boobs did not feature quite as prominently as perhaps they could have.  So here's this by way of consolation.

Though if you're a sane person with any sense of self-preservation, this spectacle should cause you deep unease...




most of your patreons lose all thought processes when present with such lovely curves. Fortunately for me my character has a lot of innate magical abilities that all sum up to making him rather pain and destruction avoidant even if hes lured into danger by a cute butt or jiggly sweater puppies

Serge Skunk

Okay, now that is just absolutely sexy. In that kind of extremely dangerously sexy way.

David Ewell

This is the kind of image that is both sexy and attractive but at the same time raise caution and the hairs on the back of my neck in fright.


Yeah, I suppose I didn't really think that pose through if I wanted boobs too. Damn, the Duchess' wiles are cranked up to 11 here. I didn't think anything could be so unnerving yet so alluring.


Killer smile - maybe literally.

Simone Spinozzi

Ain't she <strike>a daisy</strike> an hazardous duchess. ~~~💖

Walter Reimer

One must always beware of Cute.