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EALA!  Rianna Jones requested this scene of unprecedented violence .. along with some "boob squish" which I hope I managed to get in the composition.

Whatever, Duchess Catherine WISHES she could get Adler in a choke hold!  Zandar probably wishes it too..



Walter Reimer

The greatest Wile of all - the Sleeper Hold!

Serge Skunk

I feel conflicted about this, partly because at least from my perspective they are both pretty...uhh...Unseelie, I suppose. (at least for Adler's treatment of Zandar during their Marriage, and then his behavior afterwords which seems to be on going) So I guess, I'd still root for the Duchess in this little tussle.


How appalling that His Thoroughly Seelie Highness can be so easily slandered in a semi-public forum like this...

Simone Spinozzi

many people would like to do that.