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I just swatted down a fake $10 patron who pledged right after I posted a Doodle.  My thank-you email came back "Undeliverable" due to the address not actually existing - which you'd think would have tipped off Patreon that this bot wasn't on the level when it tried to sign up .. but heck, I guess they don't care about triflin' little things like Account Verification.  Anyway this so-called "person" was my patron for less than an hour before getting blocked.  I am not fooling around.

I did find out something today about Pay-Up-Front and why it isn't the site-wide default:  It's expensive.  The banks charge a fee per transaction, so Patreon gets a better rate if they lump all of the charges together into one big transaction on the first of the month, rather than having a whole bunch of little ones scattered around everywhere.  The point of this is to maximize the amount of money that creators get to keep .. and yeah, it does make sense.  The downside though, is that it leaves the door open for fraudsters and free-samplers to take stuff without paying for it.

Seeing my numbers soar up above $500 back in - when was it, September? - that was really exciting.  But it was a balls-crushing tragedy when my actual payday wound up being only $222.

I would rather lose a few pennies & know that my pledges are real, than keep on having to deal with constant fake offers pouring in .. but I'm not being given that choice.  Pay-Up-Front is still not available for me.

Anyway, I'm done complaining about this.  Let's sit back and have us a pleasant November.  I promise you that I will only mention Kringlemas ONCE this month (and that was it, just then.)


David Ewell

Really hurts to hear about the fakes and frauds but glad to hear you put the kabosh on them.


I don't get why they don't just keep you from seeing anything until the first of the month, or make a $20/etc charge up-front that then acts as credit towards support.


Both of those would be a deterrent. I wouldn't pledge if I had to wait a month before getting access; most people when they pay for something they want it NOW! I also wouldn't be willing to drop $20 right away. The little one or two dollar mini-payments are easier to swallow.


I figure I'm pledging way more than a few bucks each month, $20 once up front that then goes to the few dollars a month then dropping you to your regular monthly charge isn't so bad. Wouldn't be $20 per artist, just $20 to verify your account with it being credit. Maybe an either/or - pay $20 up front or wait until your first charge. I also wouldn't mind waiting until the first of the month, that's kind of what I wish they'd do to be honest. But that's only how I feel.


i know this is late, but there are websites that generate temporary e-mails, which allow bot-makers to get past e-mail verifications. so that e-mail might have existed when the account was made. only way to counter something like this would be to have extra verification e-mails sent later on, though that would probably have it's own downsides.