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I looked at my hard drive and Captain Arleen isn't on it.  I'll check my backups later because I know I scanned those stories.  If I find them then I guess I'll slap 'em up here.  If I have to re-scan, well, I'm less enthusiastic about doing that .. but the siren song of MONEY pulls me ever onward into the archives.  Meanwhile here's something I did find on my computer, which nobody asked for.

This is an ancient relic I made back in college.  I forget the exact date, but it has to be 1996 or earlier.  I don't know why the price says $5.00.  That seems ridiculously expensive.

NEXT- http://www.patreon.com/posts/15216176




1996, eh? I was 1 year old...


I am now statutorily required to call you a Young Whippersnapper, and demand that you GET OFF MA LAWN! If only I had my dentures in, why, I'd show you durn kids a thing or two!!