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Soooo.... Here is what happened and what I've been doing these last few days. I DID finish chapter 16 of Heroes in a virtual machine that I plan to use for editing purposes from now on. Makes it easier to streamline everything if all I gotta do is connect the USB drive with the VM if I'm using a different PC. 

And THEN, I did a Bubu... Made a mistake. Go ahead and call me the dumbest human to ever walk on planet earth...

I had 2 Folders in my "Music" Subfolder. "WAV" and "WAV-E"... After I was done editing, I wanted to delete the WAV folder... but deleted the WAV-E one... and noticed it the moment I cleared the recycle bin... In other words: I spent 9 hours cleaning and editing that chapter and putting voice lines in... And... then deleted it...

To rectify this, both of my computers have been working non stop for the last few days. (With my Laptop De-Clicking these oneparters)

While I usually keep my Gaming Rig out of this, I had to implement it for this one, because I didn't want to spend another 3 days De-Clicking that chapter.

I will get to editing these oneparters tomorrow, and hopefully I will NOT melt while doing so, since the heatwave here has still not subsided. I'm literally sweating while I sit here naked....


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