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For the last 4 days, my Laptop has not been turned off. Several crashes, constant backups and discovering that I also had an audio level issue in the two tracks of the audio, Chapter 16 is almost through the De-Clicking process. Should be done by tonight. (I had to do it in 10-15 Minute incriments cause even under Linux it would crash if I did more than that!) 

Now, why have I not edited some of the stuff I have recorded and that just needs to be edited while this is going? -.-"  Well.... The RAM usage of my poor editing computer is at 97% doing this and the CPU usage comes in at 75%

I can watch a video while it is doing this, write scripts or talk to Midnight via text chat (voice chat is basically impossible when the system is taxed like this).

I have tried to edit while this is going on, but whenever I preview the audio (after making a change, I will listen back to the portion to make sure it turned out alright) and while the VM is running, doing the De-Clicking, I will hear contant Clicks and pops in the audio because the Laptop simply can't keep up.

Every single De-Click takes from between 1-4 hours. I'm not even kidding. Every incriment of this process takes that long. But I seriously am happy with the results. 

Now... I know what you might think "Can't you do that faster on your gaming PC?"

The answer would be yes. But that PC also has a 1k Watt power supply and Energy prices going up right now, it would not be feasible to use that machine much. (I am actually only turning it on for streams or video renders nowadays because those are the things I need it most for.)

And please keep in mind that even that machine would only cut the De-Clicking process by roughly 25%. I have run tests on both computers. Both pull roughly their maximum amount of power when they De-Click. 

Borrowing a little gadget from my dad, I measured the power consumption. While the De-Clicking itself (I chose a short clip for testing) took 1h on the Laptop and 40 Minutes on the Gaming machine. 

So what am I doing WHILE this is going? Well, I am taking care of some real life stuff I need to do, work on scripts for VA's you might see in the future (Like the amazing RoboTurbo!) and go record more Short Stories in my car. I should really just become a full time YouTuber at this point ^^"



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