Good and bad news (Patreon)
So... First the good news. They have extended my physical rehab by a week and I am actually able to walk slightly better. I say slightly because I still can't walk without hobbling and that causes me quite a bit of pain after around a mile, for which I need roughly an hour, but it is an improvement from less than half a mile.
I am also going to upload the promised Content dump in a moment for I have found an internet cafe that allows me to connect my own laptop to their WiFi.
Now to the bad news:
I am, with a 90% propability, going to lose my appartment. The amount I was able to edit in rehab was not as much as I would have wanted due to pain and just general exhaustion brought on due to therapy starting at 8 am and lasting to 4 pm on most days.
I do have readied enough stuff, however, to give you a bit to tide you over until I am back home and will, hopefully, be able to get back to stuff as it used to be. If I lose the apartment though, I am sorry, but I will not be able to update as frequently... I'll have to figure out my living situation...