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OK guys here is a quick update for all of you and it also concerns the lack of recent updates. I know I try to bring you guys something on the daily usually, but some things have happened in my life recently that have kept me from doing so.

1. I am FINALLY going to my physical rehab for my back. It will start on Wednesday, the 8th. That means I am currently working on recording whenever I can to have stuff I can edit while in rehab. Turns out I will sadly not have a single room so I will not be able to record while I am in rehab. Been recording a few shortstories daily in the evening every time I can. 

2. Chapter 12 of Heroes is a bit of a bitch. I've been deep cleaning it and I can tell you that so far I have sunk over 10 hours just into that. Turns out mouth noises are abundand in that chapter and I have to go through it inch by inch in spectral mode. Memo to myself, I will never again record a long story right after getting up and am not 100% awake. These noises mostly happen when I am not awake yet and my mouth is still partly dried out from sleeping with an open mouth. 

3. I might end on the street after my rehab. I am currently applying for benefits and a raise in my disability status, but at least the former looks like it might be rejected because of my disability... (They literally have a clause that says you will be rejected if you might be unable to work for more than 6 weeks after you applied and with my broken discs I am quite literally unable to return to being a nurse. All my doctors say so)

4. My health has been in decline these last few days, and on Saturday I could barely think straight because my bloodpressure levels didn't go beyond 80/50, and when I tried to exert myself to raise it... well lets just say it didn't go well. Pain levels are... managable as long as I keep taking my medication. Sadly, the self payment for that medication is a bit higher than my heart medication and over the counter painkillers and I have to take them sparingly because of that. 

5. Once I am back from rehab, I will go and upload everything I have edited while in rehab, so prepare for a huge content dump at the end of the month. (Rehab is planned to be 3 weeks, so I will likely return around the 29th)

6. I am also working on some gaming content. Please let me know if you guys would be interested in some Retrospectives of older video games. You know, story summaries and reviews as well as version comparisons.

7. I'm hoping I can keep my apartment and fast internet connection. As it looks right now, I might have to take a loan to do so at least in the short term... I might put my tech stuff (consoles, equipment and the like except the essentials I need to access the internet and to record like my weakest laptop that I got for free a while ago because the previous owner wanted to throw it out and my mic up on eBay.)

8. If all fails... and I hope it will not... then I will have to move in with my father again. It's the only place I could go and believe me, it would feel like utter defeat. Not just that, but that house is moldy and I would, quite likely, not be able to upload as much as I do now, since the internet connection in the part of town he lives in has a max upload speed of about 200KB/s.

Sincerely yours since 2013

VisualPony, aka Hauke Trawny


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