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Due to the recent policy of Patreon, gifs were deleted.

Thanks to your consideration and patience, I have finished the volunteer work safely and soundly. I came back to my homeland a couple of days ago and I had enough breathing times.

Technically speaking, I have three weeks and I believe 2 animations(I have 1 creature, 1 MMF or MF in mind.) and finishing Sexlab Approach will be a appropriate goal. I don't know... Those are my priorities in my current situation. There are also several mods I have been working on from time to time. I guess I can release another English quest mod(Bikini Quest) this month if the time allows me to do it.

I actually barely care about the number of supporters... but I realize now it's over 300... It's beyond my expectation, because I had never thought so many people would have enjoyed my mods but it seems so like it. I sincerely appreciate your huge support. Well.. All I can do is to repay you with my mods, isn't it?

P.S - Maybe... there are no more animators left who make aggressive motions anymore? Hmm.... I understand... Violent and aggressive motions are way thougher than non-aggressive ones.

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P.S - ????? ???? ??? ????? ?? ? ? ???? ????... ????? ??? ???? ??? ??? ? ? ?? ???? ?? ? ? ??? ?? ???????!



I think it's the combination of "aggressive" animations with quality. Most animators have one or the other. You are capable of both.


오오 어디로 다녀오셨나 궁금하지만...아무튼 더운데 쉬엄쉬엄...


항상 힘내십쇼 $15후원 질렀습니다.


더위조심하시고 쉬엄쉬엄... 고생많으십니다


섹렙 어프로치가 페인달 말씀하시는건지?


Sexlab Approach라는 아주 오래된 모드가 하나 있습니다. 골동품에 가까운 유적 퇴적물인데, 이걸 가지고 리메이크를 하려고 합니다. 컨셉 자체는 너무나도 좋은데 실력자가 없어서 버려진 비운의 모드입니다.


이번달은 다이얼로그 업데이트는 없는건가용?


더위 조심하세요!


자원봉사 고생하셨습니다! 이번 달 날씨도 더우신데 너무 무리하시지 마시고 쉬엄쉬험 하세요!


everyone told me they can't but i give a try anyway