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Hey cuties! Before the update just wanting to say I'm mentally settling a lot better, things are on the up an up and I have a date in mind when I plan on posting again but will hold off in case of any changes this week. It will be mid February for sure though and thanks for the love, support and kindness during these times.


So Patreon has two ways I can charge those who join.

The first way, which is the one I use at the moment is you are charged when you join and on the 1st of every following new month.

I've used this way in the past as I was used to it and the other option wasn't available until a few months ago. But I will be changing it to the other coming on the 10th.

The new charging settings are as follows:

You will still be billed if you are a new Patron on the date you join. However instead of it being on the 1st of each month now, it will charge you again 30 days/1 month date wise of the date you joined my Patreon.

I believe this change makes more sense for those who join later in the month and would only get say a week or two and then be charged again as well as helping with retaining more of you cuties each month!!

If you have any questions regarding any of the changes, need further answers or anything my DMS on Patreon are open as well as all other socials.

And that's about it for that! Just changing from it being on the 1st it changes you to being when you joined, one month spread out. 

No numbers, prices or anything else is changing so no worries there!

And to finish off this lil update and chat. Just one more time I cannot thank you al enough. Feeling very Canadian (Which I am lmao) by saying thanks and sorry so much but I really am. It's sucked the things that have happened for me these past months but they happen to us all. Bad things come and go.

But I believe times will be better. Even if the bad path keeps pushing me down a bit more I won't give up. I'll still be here, doing my best for myself, all you cuties and to push out the content I know we're all here for.

Thanks a million, here's to an amazing February and take care cuties. I'll be back soon.

(P.S) Be sure to look out on the 14th. Got something special for yall~

Mwah mwah :3


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