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So to start yeah I'm not going to be posting content until February and I am unsure of when. Could be as soon as the 6th but it could be a few weeks.

I also will only be posting 2 audios a week for when I return. 

  • One Regular Early Access Audio on Mondays/Tuesdays
  • One Exclusive Audio On Fridays/Saturdays.

I've got a lot of stuff on my mind right now from the illness in the family still happening/getting worse to needing to work on myself as a person and work on top of it just is too much. 

I refuse to make content in this head space because if I make anything for you all I want it to be real me. Right now I'm not in my regular headspace and I know it would show in the content. 

I greatly apologize to all of you who've been here especially for these past months with how little content I have been making and how many of these "times off" I've been taking.

I've been very behind on audios lately where as usually I am at least a weeks worth of content as I'm posting. I've had little motivation and I've let myself go into this rut.

I know the issues in my life don't help but I can't help but feel I could do better. So during this time off I'm going to be making sure I'm working towards bettering my content, my life and myself. Hopefully coming back feeling a lot better.

For all the amazing comments, dms and love you show cuties. Thank you so much.

I seriously cannot express how much it means to you all supporting me and listening to my content and reading what I write here. You're too kind.

I'll keep you all updated as always. If there's any spurs of content creation in me and I come back sooner. You'll know and if there's more time I need to better myself. I'll let you know.

Thank you, take care and I'll be doing my best to ensure I can come back to you all.

(Also as a note. The exclusive left for this month the Kitsune one will be made in February 100%.)

Mwah mwah - Akolmfi



As last time any questions/concerns feel free to dm me. Sorry for taking all these times off. I wish I didn't need to but I feel my mental slipping and I'd rather take a month (At most) off and come back better than make audios that will no doubt come out like trash. Understand if you understand or are angry/disappointed in me. I'm kind of both rn too so yeah. Thanks, take care and I'll be here working on myself and these situations.


It's okay. Take your time. Remember that you are loved and appreciated, it's going to be alright.


Things happen and it's okay to take time for yourself. Your well-being is more important and no one is disappointed in you for taking that time for yourself. Plus, it gives people like me more time to listen to older audios I haven't had a chance to check out yet! 😊 We'll be okay! Take your time, alright? I hope things get better for you soon


take all the time you need, make sure you’re well enough. don’t worry about us, we’ll be there for you whenever x


Thanks for the update- taking the time you need to work on yourself and be with your family is a great decision! Please take as much time as you need and try to take it easy <3


Take all the time you need to recharge; we can’t always be at 100% and it’s totally okay to take a breather.