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You're a very cute hooman you know? And cute babies get to vote on audios!!!

As is always the case vote for which of these audios you want to see made for July!

If you have any questions about the audios please shoot me a dm or leave a comment on the post here and I'll be sure to reply. Also know that any of these audios could change a bit when I write them down but the concept will stay similar unless stated otherwise!

Now without anymore delay here's your audios to vote for this month!!!

1. [M4TF] [Mdom] Taking More Then Just A Dip At The Beach.

You come out of the water after swimming for a bit and sit next to your BF who's too stubborn to go in. You lay on top of him all wet and get him a bit mad. He pushes you off and gets on top of you, causing you to get flustered. He looks along the beach and says no ones looking before kissing you deep.

2. [M4A] [Rough Mdom] Your FWB's More Than Just A Sweet Guy.

You and this guy have been fuck buddies for a few months now and he's amazing! Super sweet, kind considerate and it's great. Buuuuttt sometimes it's fun to just get fucking used too. You talk to him one day about it and he says while he understands that he'd like to at least try and fill that need first. You laugh at him, saying there's no way he could. But he's adamant. Adamant enough to pin you down, shut you up and use you.

3. [M4A] [Msub-Mdom] Teasing Your BF With Toys In Public!

You and your lover go out on a date night but, as a kicker you decide to have him put on a cock ring and a vibrating plug to which you have full control over. You go out to dinner, take a walk by the pier and end the night back at your place where you take it off and let him have his own fun.

4. [M4A] [Msub] My New Cheer Routine Is Taking Your What Captain?

You're in the back with one of the new cheerleaders and are showing them the ropes. They've got the hands on a lot but you always love teasing newbies. Especially one's this obviously easy to fool around. You tell them to drop the pom poms and hold their hand out before putting something a bit bigger, stiffer and harder in their hand. Time to see how much stamina's in this new one.

Thanks for supporting me on here cuties and hope you like the audio choices for the month!!!

Mwah mwah :3


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