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21 years on this stinky spinning orb and the thing that's brought me the most happiness is moaning into a mic for people to cum too? Who would have guessed? Honestly this place would suck butt if it weren't for yall. Thanks for being here and thanks for making this past year one that not only will I remember forever but also as my best year I've ever had.

🥳Now anyway go get ya nut off with me for my bonus number on my age day🥳

Summary. If you can call it that: Akolmfi, wow what a guy. How he moan like that? Anyway he's trying to make an audio for his listener peeps and is stumped on what to do for his B-Day audio. All the cool ideas don't feel REAL enough to him and he just wants something that feels... real? But hey! What's more real than what he likes right? And you know what he likes!!! Well besides all these kinks he loves.

"I love my cuties. Especially the one reading this right now!"

Akolmfi's BDAY QOTD - "Why do other people care so much about Birthday cakes and shit? I just wanna end my day with a nice hot creampie :D"

Thank you doesn't do justice to how much all of you and this have helped my life. In a mental way, in a physical way and in the way I just view myself and how I live. Everything I could ask for to change in my life positively has happened because of all of this and I cherish it everyday. Thank you cuties so much for the best year I could have asked for. For giving me the validation, love and support you have and for being the best group of cutie patooties one could dream of. I'll live with this year in my head forever and I know it.

Now come on and have some cake with me! Or we can share the Rhubarb pie I had made for me!

Mwah mwah - Akolmfi :3

This audio was made by me u/Akolmfi on reddit or Akolmfi on patreon, a 18+ adult and this content is made for other 18+ consenting adults. In no way should you repost, re use or do anything with my content without my given consent. Thank you



Happy borth!!


Wasn't expecting the sudden wholesomeness at the end, glad to hear that your year has been so kind to you! All the best to you, AK! 💖