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ok so I need to get focused on all of you my beautiful Patrons and Giocels. I think if this goes well, ill do a video where I address all of your questions here.

so to all my PATRONS, ask me anything. put your comments down below, or message me here or email me a longer question at giantgio@msn.com

Godbless, curious to see what you all have been dying to ask me! 



I was reading the DaDa manifesto & there was another manifesto by the symbolists and then the futurists. I think futurism may have started in Italy. Do you have any book recommendations covering these art movements? I ask because the DaDa one seems Satanic. I think the symbolist one is kind of satanic too. Not into satan but it was just kind of weird that art & satan would be connected.


What's your take on Photography as an art form? I don't think I've heard or read anything from you on Photography? Any favourite photographers? Or maybe you hate it 😂. Thanks and Godbless.


Hey Tio, what are your thoughts on the use of blue and yellow (the color combination not the country) and the psycho-spiritual effectiveness it has on the libs. I can't help but feel that the support from the current conflict from professional liberals is partially due to the flag color combination. I also consistently see blue and yellow overutilized in flat human design media which is a style exclusively catering to the professional liberal class, so maybe there's some connection. Anyways, thanks for being one of the few guys on the right who doesn't ask an eleven-minute question to his guest. Your shit genuinely rocks man.


Hi Gio, I’d love to hear your musings on the muse-artist relationship. Has the modern dating landscape changed this relationship? What is lost and what is gained if the relationship exists mostly online?


Imagine you are wealthy and landed after Thiel patronage of your art blew up. Our guys have culture by the balls. Now you are hosting a dinner party for the "whos who" of this thing we have going on. What would you serve at your estate? As a fellow Italian catholic what would you serve for this publicized event?


What would you say to a Canadian black pilled on the political election system? Should I even vote? Does it really even matter? Thanks Gio, God bless.


What's your opinion on Doctor Who?


i never watched it, and there is so much more idk if i want to invest, and some pretty terrible libs watch it lol


It feels like we are in a period of technological stagnation. Yes, there have been developments in information technology (e.g., smart phones); however, in the long run these innovations may end up bringing more negative consequences rather than positive. For example, rising rates of mental illness, obesity, etc. How do you see our relationship with technology changing (if at all) in the future? Could the relationship be changed in a positive direction? Do you subscribe to the theory of peak oil / catabolic collapse (John Michael Greer)? Hoping you can riff on these questions a bit.


Now that Kanye/Nick Funtes has been confirmed when do you suspect Biden will hire Gym to do full-time gayops on them?