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a day late because im still recovering from a sprained Achilles that's been really messing with my concentration, but this came out well. Finally, the review of the seminal 2000 wired magazine article, New intro for GAR by Philip Daniel, Enjoy! 

link to article: https://www.wired.com/2000/04/joy-2/

link to music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IJoAkJ-OI4&t=20s




Here's to your recovery


apparently there has been good work done in nuclear? But I am not big-brain enough to know if true or not. Most everyone continues to wank about digital things, hard physical sciences are not mentioned much (besides chips etc.) I suppose the cope is that genius based AI will suddenly do all the hard science for everyone


inefficiency is human state anyway...it is very confusing that people talk about self-optimizing, effiency-maxxing. The most efficient thing is a breakthrough, but most breakthroughs come after relaxation, lounging, and so on. Even my computer does not like to be so efficient...it would rather be always-on then to be turned off at all. Tube amps, sweetspots, and so on. But everyone is coping in all sorts of ways. I myself am coping that anime witch gorl will become real and use large fireball spell on the Earth.