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A very provocative and interesting 10th episode of Content Minded with  MythoAmerican, also known on Twitter as Edenic Jesus/Zantae. We cover  his uniquely Dionysian and Gnostic perspective on the mythic history,  present and future of America, his brand of aesthetic posting, his seven  point plan for the restoration of America, Horror as the American  literary and film genre, and more!




Interesting discussion. MythoAmerican’s aesthetic project is interesting, and I think he’s spot on in his observation that the quintessentially American fear is that of nature creeping back into our artificial civilization. We are terrified that our material progress will inevitably decay into nothing, but what else would it do when there was never a traditional spiritual principle? Not sure about his reverence for Q Boomers. They are just as gullible as your average GAE drone, just sucking from a different teat. Almost every “revelation” from Q was either painfully obvious or outright false and subsequently memory-holed. Is this substantively different than current-thingism and blind adherence to MSM narratives? Whether you’re wearing a MAGA hat or a certain multicolored flag, both roads lead to ideological Babylon.


Finally, I can see this PeruAno in action.


zantae is understander of the POWER of such schizo currents as are currently spreading with gr8 energy, and the utility of them by various forces ^_^. Also good mooziks


disagree on HIGHER THINGS THO...destruction is all that is due, and it will be such a sigh of relief -- even normies so full of bloodlust unsated, ah, what to say, what to say!