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A very exciting episode with Nina Power, where we discuss her new book "what men want", the incel/femcel question as Bio power, Bronze age perversity, the family as radical social technology, relationships, and much more! 




it is healthy, becuz men are not stable, and so require very strong rhetoric in 1 direction in order to not fail to their natural weakness etc. there exist very few men who can set and follow rules 4 themselves, most simply bounce around in this way


also tremendous FEMCEL COPE on beauty, absolutely un-true, only true in the case where 1 determines their worth on strange social autism valuation [which i confess, many do, such is life!]


tension spoken of is place 2 practice, stage-playing, etc. Mistaken belief that this play-act will HALP, or just compulsion i do not know. It is fun 2 poast, even in reply to bait, this is y ppl do it. Anyway, the bulk of either side is fully incapable of proper thought, and always will be, and so quality of rhetoric or "tiwib" is less valuable 2 examine than simply wat the results are and might be. Then it is moar complicated since, should u bet on low-chance situation or go with safe option? Ppl involve much moorality with this, but it is more how morale is that affects the choice. Optimistic ppl bet bigger, always. Sometimes they are foolish, and sometimes they win -- But this digression 2 far. I add just this: The moast popular enemy is the moast subversive, and this is why that certain pose is the moast amusing RN. I wonder if it is simply eternal, since it has not changed once in my entire life.