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🔥🌟🛡️ The Order of the Firestorm is a respected fellowship of clerics and paladins devoted to the ideals of justice, courage, and renewal. Their creed is to bring light to dark places and to defend those who cannot defend themselves against tyranny and evil.

These holy warriors are known for their bright armor that gleams like a beacon to their allies and blazes like a warning to their foes. They draw their power from a sacred flame that represents purity of spirit and the inner light that darkness cannot extinguish.

The order's paladins are champions of the downtrodden, often found on the front lines of battle where the fight against darkness is the fiercest. Their clerics, meanwhile, tend to the aftermath of conflict, healing wounds and restoring faith in the hearts of the people.

The armor and weapons they bear are said to be consecrated in the flames of their sacred fire, a tradition that dates back to the founding of their order. The rites and rituals of the Firestorm clerics and paladins are focused on renewal and rebirth, symbolizing the constant cycle of struggle against darkness and the triumphant light that follows each victory.

In times of great need, the order has been known to bestow its blessings on warriors outside their ranks, granting them the ability to wield fire and light against the darkness, if only for a short while. These chosen few carry the essence of the order's power into the world, a reminder that the light of the Firestorm is always near. 🔥🌟🛡️


Divine Firestorm Helmet

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a cleric or paladin)

This ornate half-plate helmet is embossed with intricate designs that suggest a dormant power within. When worn, the helmet's eye slits glow faintly, and it feels unusually light on the head.

While wearing this helmet, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.

When you cast a spell of 1st level or higher that deals radiant damage, you invoke the helmet's latent power. For the duration of the spell, you may add an additional amount of fire damage to one radiant damage roll of the spell. The additional fire damage equals your proficiency bonus.

Divine Firestorm Armor

Armor (half plate), legendary (requires attunement by a cleric or paladin)

this armor is inscribed with sacred glyphs that glow with a soft radiance. Its metal plates are supernaturally resilient, offering divine protection to those who serve the higher powers.

Whenever you use a spell or ability to restore hit points to a creature other than yourself, your AC increases by 2 until the start of your next turn.

When you deal radiant damage with a spell, you can reroll one of the spell's damage dice. When you do so, you add fire damage equal to your Charisma modifier plus your Wisdom modifier to the damage roll. You must use the new dice roll.

2-Set Bonus

Dormant State. While wearing the full set in its dormant state, you gain the ability to cast scorching ray as a cantrip. When cast in this way, scorching ray deals 1d6 radiant damage and 1d6 fire damage on a hit, instead of its normal 2d6 fire damage. This version of scorching ray cannot be cast at higher levels.

Awakened State. When the set is in its awakened state, the cantrip version of scorching ray you cast is equivalent to the spell being cast using a 3rd-level spell slot. Additionally, creatures hit by the rays shed bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. This illumination makes it difficult for affected creatures to gain the benefits of being invisible or hidden. The light persists until the end of your next turn.

Optional Evolution Stage. Upon defeating a powerful servant of a fire deity while the set is in its dormant state.



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