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🌙🌓🌕 The smiths, guided by the visions of an oracle, shaped the celestial metal under the light of the moons.

When first forged, the Moonfall Blade is said to harbor only a fragment of its true potential, much like the new moon's faint presence in the sky. It is in this state that the blade finds its bearer, a person of strong will and pure intent, often starting as a promising but inexperienced wielder.

As the wielder grows in strength and wisdom, so too does the blade. During a rare celestial event when the moon reaches its brightest, the blade absorbs lunar energies, causing it to awaken. Its power magnifies under the half moon, and it is during this phase that it reveals new mysteries and abilities to its owner.

The blade reaches its full glory when its bearer performs a deed of great courage during a lunar eclipse, aligning the blade with the moon's hidden face. The exalted blade is a beacon of hope, symbolizing the completion of the wielder's journey from darkness to light, reflecting the light of a full moon and revealing the full extent of its lunar magic. 🌙🌓🌕


Moonfall Blade

Weapon (dagger), legendary (requires attunement by a spellcaster)

The pommel holds a luminous stone that mimics the faint glow of the new moon. The blade itself is etched with delicate spirals and moon phases that seem to absorb the faintest light from its surroundings.

Dormant State. The Moonfall Blade is a magical melee weapon with a +1 bonus to attack rolls and a +1 bonus to your spell save DC.

New Moon Cantrip. While holding this blade, you learn the moonbeam spell. For you, moonbeam becomes a cantrip and can't be cast using a 2nd-level spell slot or higher. When casting it as a cantrip, use its normal effects for a 2nd-level spell.

Awakened State. When the Moonfall Blade reaches an awakened state, the weapon's bonus to your spell save DC increases to +2.

Half Moon Cantrip. Your connection with the blade allows you to cast moonbeam as a 3rd-level spell, treating it as a cantrip.

Exalted State. When the Moonfall Blade reaches its exalted state, the weapon's bonus to your spell save DC increases to +3, and the blade fully illuminates.

Full Moon Cantrip. You can now cast moonbeam as a 5th-level spell, still considering it a cantrip.

Optional Evolution Stages for the Moonfall Blade. The Moonfall Blade's growth is tied to the wielder's affinity with the phases of the moon and the celestial events that empower its magic:

  • Awakened: The blade reaches its awakened state when wielded under the light of a unusual large full moon, or when the wielder uses its power to achieve a significant victory over creatures of darkness.
  • Exalted: The Moonfall Blade becomes exalted when the wielder channels the blade's power to turn the tide during a lunar eclipse, or when the wielder selflessly protects the innocent during a night of celestial events.



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