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🗺️🚶✨ There lived a band of travelers, known not by name but by the marks upon their skin. These wayfarers, skilled in both art and the arcane, discovered the craft of the Traveling Tattoo, a charm of ink and magic, bestowed upon those who shared their love for the open road. The bearer of such a tattoo was graced with the ability to traverse great distances, a friend to the path and the journey alike. And so it was that the Traveling Tattoo came to be, a rare boon for the restless soul, granting not only passage but companionship to those who walked the lands with curiosity in their heart and the will to journey ever onward. 🗺️🚶✨


Traveling Tattoo

Wondrous item (tattoo), rare (requires attunement)

Crafted with interlocking lines and mystical sigils, this tattoo embodies the essence of wanderlust and the thrill of discovery.

Tattoo Attunement. To bond with this tattoo, you must hold the enchanted needle to your desired location on your body and focus on the item during the attunement process. As the attunement concludes, the needle vanishes, leaving the permanent magical tattoo in its place.

Traveler's Recall. By focusing on the tattoo for 1 minute, as if concentrating on a spell, you can cast the teleport spell once per long rest without expending a spell slot.

Pathfinder's Step. With the tattoo, your affinity for travel extends to your companions. You and up to four other creatures of your choice can move at a fast pace without incurring the usual penalties normally associated with such rapid travel.



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