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🌙🦇💢 The Dark Blood Girdle is believed to have originated from a secretive guild of night hunters who honored the ferocity and survival instincts of predators. The girdle was their badge of resilience, often awarded to those who survived the most perilous of hunts. 🌙🦇💢


Dark Blood Girdle

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

This sinister girdle is made from dark leather that seems to absorb light, with a buckle fashioned in the shape of a bat with wings unfurled. Intricate patterns weave around the buckle, resembling streams of flowing blood.

While attuned to this girdle, if you are polymorphed, wild shaped, or otherwise using your natural weapons in combat and your hit points are at or below half of your maximum, you gain a +3 bonus to damage rolls with those natural weapons, but suffer a -2 penalty to attack rolls.



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