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🗝️✨🌈 The Key of the Secret Level may transport adventurers to the Glistening Grotto, a cavern where walls weep sugary sap that entraps the careless; the Fading Rainbow Ravine, where deceptive hues hide treacherous drops and looming candy monsters; the Wilted Orchard, where once-sweet fruits now bite back and trees bear twisted, malevolent faces; the Crumbling Sprinkle Spire, a deteriorating candy tower now guarded by vengeful marzipan gargoyles; the Frozen Forest, with its predator-infested, icicle-laden trees; the Misted Meadows, where enticing scents mask swarms of ravenous candy locusts; the Stagnant Pixie Ponds, where gelatinous horrors lie in wait beneath serene surfaces; the Sticky Caramel Canyons, where pools of deceptive fudge pull travelers into their depths; the Dripping Whimsical Waterfall, hiding treacherous currents and candy sirens with lethal songs; and lastly, the Haunting Dreamy Dale, where visions of sweets mask the lurking dangers beneath. 🗝️✨🌈


Key to the Secret Level

Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)

This ornate golden key, adorned with intricately carved wings, glimmers with an otherworldly light. Legends whisper of its power to unlock hidden realms, though its restless nature makes it elusive to grasp.

When an attempt is made to grab or use the key without attuning to it, the key flutters away, entering initiative with a +5 bonus. Initially, it flies at a speed of 10 feet per round, trying to evade capture. The starting DC to catch the key with a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check is 20. With each passing turn, the key increases its flying speed by 10 feet, and the DC to catch it increases by 1.

Once attuned, the bearer can use the key to open a doorway to a pocket dimension. This dimension manifests as a dungeon whose layout, challenges, and rewards are entirely at the GM's discretion. The dungeon persists until the key is removed from its keyhole, at which point the entrance seals shut, and any occupants are expelled to their point of origin.

If the key is ever lost, it has a tendency to reappear in the most unexpected of places.



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